Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

86. Fairy Support TALL Cup [05/05/2016]

Increase joy, vitality, passion, and creative expression

  • Energetically determine where you are in the evolutionary process. As we accept where we are we then release resistance and begin to ascend. Your soul level point is different than your body deva’s level. Invite your body deva to consult with its advisors so it knows where it is in the evolutionary process. Many body deva’s think they are less evolved than they really are. Invite your Team members to do the same. Move to the higher vibrational levels that stabilize you.
  • Use your level of attainment of consciousness to determine the qualities you truly want to invite into your divine line. Bring in grids of support to assist you to attain those vibrations on the level of your higher self in your divine. Invite your Body deva and Team to do the same individually.
  • Allow your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team higher selves to combine your vibrations and move into an alignment on your energetic compass that allows you to focus on the appropriate energies to create health, happiness, service in all aspects of your life.
  • Lift your creative energy off all other paths, people, places, past, future and stream your creative energy on the path before you on this compass heading that supports you in a beautiful and heretofore unimaginable way. Use your higher selves to braid the energies of the creative current and hold it in front of you so the path is not unknown.
  • Invite your higher selves to calibrate your creative energy to pulse you and move you forward onto this path. Use your grids to pulse onto this energetic pathway of your greatest happiness and service.
  • Use your higher selves to calibrate your expectations to reflect accurately your level of consciousness and where you are in your evolutionary process.
  • Release reference points for perfection off everything and hold only in your divine line.
  • Allow yourself as the soul rider to receive fairy light and hold yourself in a place of humor and acceptance. Invite your body deva to feel its comfort level with its unique nature kingdom grids and release all grids that are not yours from any incarnations.
  • You and your body deva own your own life force. Do not share. Pull your life force back from any one and everything.
  • Energetic shedding is occurring. Moving into a new loving light zone where it is easier to shift your perspective. Grace and ease in accessing higher states of consciousness. Highlights dissonance to facilitate a release to flip into the opposite vibration.
  • Fairy support grid of love: hope, faith, trust, knowing offered to your body deva’s higher self. Fairy grids of support for your higher self and Team as well.  

There are 5 layers in this session. Which means you can listen 5 times if you wish. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

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Comments & Discussion

loved this session. thank you!
May 6th 2016
Thank you Aleya. That was truly magical.
May 5th 2016
Hi Aleya! So happy to be with you this evening!
May 5th 2016
I have been sleeping a lot! Good dreams and just want to sleep and sleep!
May 5th 2016