Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

90. Allow for the Release to Receive TALL Cup [08/01/2016]

This session is a deep cleansing, empowering, and expansive session.

  • Discern if any aspect of you is attempting to uproot an anchor that is holding the survival grid off the planet. With the support of the angelic realm, locate that dimension and pull those anchors out that you have chosen to uproot and release.
  • Locate the anchor points that you are here to weave in and harmonize from the supportive co-creative grid.
  • Release discordant emotions of fear and lack off the back of the neck and third eye and the central nervous system.
  • Body Deva open to receive the higher consciousness being brought in by Gaia. A connected and loving support grid and let go of the old struggle suffering grid completely.
  • Soul rider encourage your body deva to link in and express itself through this more evolved, empowered, enlightened support grid and release the struggle.
  • Invite your higher self to bring your awareness into your divine line, and deeply connect with essence, lift all attachment off your body, except maintain connection on the front of the spine. Fully embrace your light. No holding back. Breathe in daily receiving the light of essence flowing on your divine cosmic loop.
  • Body deva connect with Gaia Earth and remember your mastery for receiving your self and all support.
  • Move back into your prep for this lifetime and plan for how to move into greater alignment and harmony through all circumstances you encounter. Re-pattern for this more harmonic way of being.
  • Identify all horizontal receiving grids and shift them vertically so all you are receiving comes through your higher self. As you receive your pure light essence vertically and internally this will reflect in the external world. Weave a new grid and bring in the energetic blueprint for receiving internally and vertically.

I was in such an altered state in the beginning of the session that I forgot to record the first 11 minutes. The video of me will begin 11 minutes into the video. The first 11 minutes are pretty pictures with the audio in the background.

There is one additional video about the tunnel of light and your divine line.


This session has 10 layers, which means you can listen 10 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.


Audio Sample

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