Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

92. Mercury Retrograde Support TALL Cup [09/08/2016]

Cleansing, Empowering, and Supportive

  • Connect with beings of Love and Light that are holding a supportive safe space. Calibrate and open your receptors for receiving their support to a deeper and greater degree. Receive their remembrance of your mastery.
  • Retrieve and hold full responsibility for receiving support, spiritually growing and evolving, and being successful, that you gave to beings on the other side that you might admire. Hold this deep in your divine line, body deva, team, same.
  • Locate any attachment or desire you have for others to awaken, grow and evolve, and lift this attachment and desire off them and bring it back to your higher self. Move into co-creative service.
  • Activate a sacred geometric grid at the level of your higher self, or divine spark to activate your desire to flow in your own divine line and through your entire cosmic loop for freedom and empowerment. Invite body deva and team to do the same.
  • Be only responsible for the vibration in your own divine line and activated in your own cosmic loop. Self doubt and fear of failure come from taking responsibility that doesn’t belong to you, and will release up and off your being as you return responsibility that doesn’t belong to you. Body deva and team same.
  • Ask the crystal people, rock people and Gaia to assist body devas to release responsibilities that are not its own in the higher realms, not the physical body. Earth is clearing some old fear grids off the kidneys.
  • Place healing holograms around kidneys and ears, bring in the consciousness that helps the kidneys and ears clear fear, disconnection, loss, abandonment, betrayal.
  • Invite anger, frustration, confusion to lift up and off the liver when the body was in fear.
  • Lift all trust nuggets off everyone and everything and bring those trust reference points back to you as higher self, body deva’s higher self, and team. Align trust in divine cosmic loop. Just trust the light of your essence 100%.
  • Allow body to orient to right timing.
  • Soul rider reference your right timing and flow with your creative current and dreams. Sit in council with your advisors and the crystal people to calibrate your timing with your creative current, evolution, expectations of self, all relationships. Come into right order so it flows perfectly. Desires create resources.
  • Identify and release inner struggle leading to exhaustion, despair and hopelessness from holding on to old inappropriate grids.
  • Invite you from the future as an ascended master to pull off old grids and send yourself the new grids that will replace the old grids you have outgrown. Lift focus onto new grids that expand and flow. Body deva and team same.
  • Invite Team’s higher selves to locate a dimension for healing, recalibration of their energetic systems: more resilience, and support in their grids, more networking, more energetic information. Team getting new armor, stronger support. Lifting their attachment and desire off soul rider and body deva and back to their own divine lines. Invite Team to bring in new open communication systems for all relationships on all levels and in all dimensions.
  • Ask you from the future as an ascended master to bring in greater support grids, releasing the victim, lack, and fear, and activating greater empowerment in the divine line of soul rider.

This session is very intense and incredibly clrearing. It has 7 to 11 layers, which means you can listen 7 to 11 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.


If you are very sensitive to this work I recommend the following for this session...

Ask that you, your body, and Team receive the session at the volume of 0.1 and have your body shift ONLY in the higher realms, and to not use it’s physical form to process any of the work, and not need to “feel” the release or the shift in the physical, mental, or emotional fields until it has completely integrated in the higher realms.

This is a POTENT and powerful session. It is a good session to listen to during the day, not right before sleep.

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Comments & Discussion

thank you, so much for everything. You are a blessing! :*
September 8th 2016