Earth, Nature Kingdom, Moon, Sun

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help balance with the lunar, Sun, and Earth energies. Meditations to embrace the Nature Kingdom.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Transformation

This is a meditation to celebrate a full Moon and lunar eclipse! Whenever there is a lunar eclipse it creates the energy of the void. Use this potent time to release discordant behavior and move more deeply into divine connection with your essence.

  • Energetically locate your true, pure essence self, and allow for the unveiling of that divine aspect of you.
  • Think of the behavior that has been surfacing over the last few days that is not alignment with that divine aspect of you.
  • Bring in healing holograms that transform this behavior and move the shadow back into the vibration of your essence.
  • Tones and light language to transform and release the discordant energy.
  • Open the channels to receive information from the Moon, the Sun, and Earth to transform the energy that is not alignment with your essence.

May you embrace the sweet energy of the moon in every breath.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you Aleya for last nights Tall Cups
It quelled the overwhelming feeling I had of not being supported
Even though I know better I felt alone and abandoned
It helped me balance better and remember the angels who help me all the time and my team and everyone else
You sure got it going!
April 15th 2014
Thank you for the unique toning & light language today. Namasté
April 15th 2014
Thank you for continuation to the excellent, deep Tall Cup!
April 15th 2014