Move into a state of grace and gratitude with today's Cup.
After almost three weeks of Mercury Retrograde, you might be feeling a little weary...
Sip on this little moment of gentleness...
When you move into gratitude, you move into a state of grace, and the love flow.
(This Cup can help increase support, manifesting, and release the struggle. When you give you get...:))
- Relax your body.
- Pull your energy into your divine line.
- Invite your Team and Guides to encircle you.
- Invite your Team and Guides to amplify grace and gratitude inside themselves.
- Invite your Higher Self to connect with your fabric of grace and gratitude that some part of you has been weaving within and around yourself.
- Amplify the current of grace and gratitude in your divine line.
- Toning and light language to help you increase gratitude within you. (Grace emanates from your essence. Explore being in awe of essence and to move into gratitude for all that you are.
When you move into gratitude, you move into a state of grace.
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