Unplug from discordant grids and mass consciousness with this Cup.
Take time to connect with harmonic grids and a consciousness that is connected, calm, and clean.
The "unsettled energy" in the world is getting a little bit louder. (Under statement...)
When you unplug from the masses and link with a harmonic realm you will feel calmer, clearer, and more connected.
Join me for extra support, magic, and shifts in one of my Energetic Support groups...
- Hold your awareness in your divine line.
- Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to reference your vibrational fabric that is linked with mass consciousness or with others around you that are in a discordant energy.
- Explore the idea that when you are empathically feeling another it is because you have energetic information.
- Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to send appropriate energetic information to anyone you are feeling at this time.
- Spin your fields in a counterclockwise direction and release discordant energy and empathic sensations.
- Bring your vibrational fabric into harmonic grids and consciousness.
- Light language and toning to assist you in unplugging from discordant grids and consciousness.
- Spin your fields in a clockwise direction and gather your gifts around you.
Link into harmonic grids that are calm, connected, and clear.
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