Grounding and Magnetics

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help increase grounding and your connection to Earth. Increase your ability to manifest. Find calm, energy, and passion.

Body Deva Grounding

Use this Cup to increase grounding for you and your body deva. The more grounded your body is, the higher a vibration you can hold, the more your body can manifest, the greater the support, and the more it can heal. 

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite your body deva at the level of its Higher Self to locate all of it roots, mechanisms, and grids for grounding.
  • Invite your body deva to infuse the vibration of it's essence into it grounding mechanisms.
  • Tones to assist your body in grounding.
  • Firmly attach your divine line to the front of your spine.
May your body be centered, supported, and grounded as it moves in the day, sleeps, dreams, and plays.

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Comments & Discussion

Peaceful. Enjoyed the great toning.
February 15th 2016
Thanks it makes me feel more grounded!Still tired but more centered. Hot epsom salts bath here I come!
February 15th 2016
Thanks! Perfect timing. Got another ...cold . Thanks for the reminder to ground ...have been a spinning top recently....major changes I.e. Made the decision to move out of self- employment and look for a job where I'm an employee..challenging me to not buy into the block that I'm too old at 62 to start new again :).
February 15th 2016
How does today's cup feel for you? Aleya
February 15th 2016