Grounding and Magnetics

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help increase grounding and your connection to Earth. Increase your ability to manifest. Find calm, energy, and passion.

Expand Your Life

Shift your life into a more expanded state. This Cup can help you expand your life from a small life into a BIG one. A great exercise to accompany this meditation is to imagine yourself in 20 different realms and in each realm you are completing tasks, meeting people, practicing new tools, etc. Sense, see, perceive yourself working in these other realms which are moving your life forward in a beautiful way.

(This Cup is timely and timeless. It was recorded in October of 2010.)

  • Feel into the areas of your life where you feel like you are holding back and you wish for an expansion.
  • Bring in greater grids of expansion, support, resources, and networking.
  • Let your life flow and grow to its highest potential and greatest capacity.
  • Shift your life into a bigger more expanded life.
  • Update your reference points.

May your life expand gracefully and with ease.


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