Higher Vibration and Expansion

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help the process of expansion in your life and consciousness.

Play and Increase Your Light

Use this Cup to increase your light quotient by playing, which in turn increases abundance in your life. The more you play, the faster you integrate energetic downloads. This meditation is all about integration, energetic digestion, and the process of getting ready to move to a higher vibration.

  • Ask the dolphins to surround you.
  • Invite them to model their playful energy to your Higher Self.
  • Light language and toning to move you into the vibration of play and joy.

The more you play the faster you integrate high frequencies.


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The Early Years
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Comments & Discussion

Hi Aleya, I love completely the Play vibration it carries. Absolutley precious :):):):):)
August 22nd 2016
Love This! Let me see if I understand this correctly: If I want abundance and lot's of fun things, all I have to do is PLAY! OK - works for me! Thank you :)))
August 19th 2016
Can't think of a more complete detailed description of calling in energy to play except to add marshmallows, chocolate, feathers, sequins and fairy dust ! lovely...
August 19th 2016
Love the vibration of playing hard, Brilliant. thank you.
August 19th 2016