
Energetic protocols and sound healing to help during the holidays.

Body Deva's Team

This is a Cup that can help your body connect with it's Team. Your body's Team is comprised of 8 to 10 Nature Spirits. The more connected your body is to the Nature Kingdom the more supported your body will feel. (This is a perfect meditation to do with paper and colored pencils.)

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Connect with your Higher Self.
  • Connect with the Higher Self of your body Deva.
  • Invite your Body Deva to connect with it's Team.
  • Hold space for your body to identify and connect with the Nature Spirit that is in front of your body, behind the body, on either side, in front diagonally, behind diagonally, and perhaps above, and below.
  • Hold space for your body to feel the support of its Team.
  • Create a force field of support, protection, and guidance.
  • At the level of your Higher Self connect with your Team and have them move into their appropriate positions.
May your body feel supported, safe, and connected as it moves in the day, sleeps, dreams, and plays.

For additional support, you may also enjoy this class I taught in Ohio, the Moving in the Moment Class.  filled with lots of pearls.


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Comments & Discussion

Listened to this again on Saturday puts a smile on my face and warms my heart.๐Ÿ’œ
October 13th 2018
I loved this one! I went and got my Medicine cards after I asked if there were eight or ten. I read on each of them and it warmed my heart to know that these nature spirits are surrounding me. I absolutely loved the music you had after the meditation to sit in. They all represent things I could relate to in my life ie: deer, ant, bear, mountain lion, moose, dolphine, eagle, raven, coyete and squirrel. I feel this is something I want to work more with in drawing this visual. Thank you Aleya!
October 12th 2018
Wonderful. Thank you so much for the great feedback. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
October 12th 2018
wow!! how wonderful to identify my nature spirits. loved this! just in the right time, i normally listen as i am driving. today i took the time to listen in my office. So glad i did. Thank you
October 12th 2018
Loved this cup! Very visually helpful. Was pleasanty aware of the breathing background which was very effective.๐Ÿ‘Œโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜
Thanks ๐Ÿ˜˜ in gratitude Aleya for your divine wisdom teachings and sharing all these years! I recognize how you have gone the distance and sustained your practice, your service and your offerings. #and still she persistedโค๏ธSusie๐Ÿ˜˜
October 12th 2018
What a wonderful cup! I have ten. I could see a few of them and feel their energy. I will do this again.
October 12th 2018