Protection, Security, Safety

7 minute audio meditations to help increase energetic protection, safety, and empowerment.

Bring in New Support Grids

Use this Cup to tap into new support grids. Use a higher-dimensional support grid to support your Soul. Invite your body deva to use the support grid that resides in the heart of Earth. When you are in a process of change you need greater support. Change is happening in the higher realms and is beginning to reflect into this realm. Tap into a different, more supported and empowered support grid.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you and your Team to locate the etheric support grids that exist in a higher realm.
  • Invite your body deva to locate and use the support grid that resides in the heart of Earth.
  • These support grids are strong, abundant, and powerful.
  • Invite your body to calibrate it's base chakra to the powerful support grid in the heart of Earth.
  • Reflect this greater support to yourself in the physical realm.
  • Take a moment to allow for the reflection of support to occur.
May you tap into abundant support grids above and reflect them to yourself in this realm.

Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

Love these, especially the second one! Feels right on!
October 16th 2018
thank you. It's my birthday and this was perfect. Love you!
October 16th 2018