Protection, Security, Safety

7 minute audio meditations to help increase energetic protection, safety, and empowerment.
Soul Rider Pull Yourself Into Your Divine Line Front of Spine
Pull all of your energy and awareness into your divine line with this Cup. You are a Soul (being of light)...
$3.00 USD
Third Eye, Base Chakra, Protected Stance
Use this Cup to protect your third eye, get centered, grounded, and calm...Hold your awareness in harmonic realms and, stay...
$3.00 USD
Amplify Safety Inside
Use this potent Cup to amplify the safety within.  The more safety you hold inside the calmer you will be in...
$1.50 USD
Control, Fulfillment, Connection Protocol
Use this deep, rich Cup to increase control, freedom, and fulfillment internally. Control the light that flows within you. This protocol,...
$3.00 USD
Clean and Repair Your Energy Fields and Hold Stronger Boundaries
Get clean, clear, and strong with this Cup. One of the most loving things you can do for yourself and for...
$3.00 USD
Solstice - Amplify Your Inner Light and Mastery
Happy Summer Solstice! (In the Northern Hemisphere) Happy Winter Solstice! (In the Southern Hemisphere) The solstice is a powerful energetic day. It...
$3.00 USD
Increase Support and Protection
This double shot is all about protection, boundaries, and shields. Recalibrate your shields of protection. This first Cup is all about father...
$3.00 USD
Increase Personal Responsibility, Boundaries, and Empowerment
This Cup is from the early days - 2010 - and is perfect to help increase personal responsibility, boundaries, and...
$3.00 USD
Use the Sounds of the Whales and Dolphines to Clean A Space and Objects
Use this double-shot and the etheric sounds of the whales and dolphins to cleanse all of the objects and spaces...
$3.00 USD
Release Self-Doubt Hold Your Reference Points In Your Line
Between now and Summer Solstice there is an energetic aspect of you that is doing a deep release. Use today's cup...
$3.00 USD
Team Reconnect and Remember
Team building day. Your Team is one of your primary support resources.   Use this Cup to help them.   The stronger your Team is...
$3.00 USD
Clean Your Back Roots For Greater Protection and Support
When the veils are thin it is an important time to increase protection. Use today's cup to increase support and protection. You...
$3.00 USD
Weave New Vibrational Roots
As we head in Winter use today's cup to weave a new energetic root structure with this double-shot. If you have...
$3.00 USD
Calling Forth the New Day - Directions
A few months ago I recorded a cup calling in the energy of the four directions. Today's cup is slightly similar...
$3.00 USD
Repair, Reconfigure, and Respect Your Boundaries
The energetic weather streaming onto the planet today is all about reconfiguring how you hold your boundaries. Use today's Cup and...
$3.00 USD
Sit In Stillness and Be with Your Team and Guides
Today the energy is all about being in stillness. Use today's cup to sit in stillness and "be" with your Teams...
$3.00 USD
Set Up Your Future Journey
Use today's fresh cup (recorded yesterday) to set up your future journey. This cup was inspired by the most recent TALL...
$3.00 USD
Retrieve Your Power By Valuing Your Light
Today the energy is all about increasing your inner resilience. Use today's Cup to retrieve your power by validating and loving...
$3.00 USD
Hold Your Awareness in Harmonic Realms
When the veils between the realms are thinning, and we are about to experience an Equinox or Solstice, it is...
$3.00 USD