
7 minute audio meditations to help you heal and improve relationships.

Help Your Body Release the Fear of Abandonment, Rejection, and Failure

This is a deep radical cup that can help your body release the fear of abandonment, rejection, and failure. When there is an energetic expansion and you begin to energetically soar, fear of failure can arise. Use this Cup to release that fear and those limitations. (This is a slightly radical Cup that helps you develop a healthy, co-creative relationship with your body.)

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Connect with your Higher Self.
  • Invite your Higher Self to connect with your body's Higher Self.
  • Invite your Higher Self to return all responsibility for connection to your body's Higher Self.
  • Invite your body to retrieve all responsibility for experiencing connection off of everyone.
  • Encourage your body to hold responsibility for experiencing connection in its divine line.
  • Invite your body to retrieve all responsibility for being embraced, loved, and valued.
  • Return all responsibility for valuing your body. (Radical, I know!)
  • Encourage your body to be responsible for valuing itself as you value yourself and model that to your body.
  • Invite your body to feel how it is responsible for loving, connecting, and valuing itself.
  • When your body is connecting, and valuing itself it is not rejecting itself one bit. Which means it can never be rejected.
  • Hold your awareness in your divine line on the front of the body's spine.
May your body meet its needs in its divine line and model that in the world.

For extra support, join me for the next TALL Cup Session.


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Thank you..
February 6th 2019
Wow! Love this! Thank you~
February 6th 2019