Release, Clear, Repair, Recalibrate

7 minute audio meditations to help you release unhealthy patterns and behaviors. Re-pattern yourself with healthy vibrations. Repair and heal.

Be the Sprout - Allow for Growth and Expansion

Use this Cup to embrace growth and expansion by being the spout.

Sprouts grow - it is Nature's way. This Cup can help you release any constriction you might be experiencing that prevent your growth and expansion.

If you feel fatigue as you try to stay in your comfort zone, it is because it is actually the opposite of what your energetic fields are designed to do during a quickening.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Explore the idea that you are riding in a body that has its own consciousness. Your body is of Earth and from Earth which is all about growth and expansion.
  • Explore the idea that your body is like a sprout wanting to grow.
  • You are an etheric being also wanting growth and expansion.
  • You may be using lots of energy to stay in your comfort zone, which is the opposite of growth.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, Soul rider, your body, and Teams to amplify the vibration of safety in your divine spark, divine cosmic loop, and energetic fields.
  • Hold your reference points for safety internally and vertically.
  • Find safety internally which gives you the ability to release the restrictions that prevent growth.
  • Release the restriction that prevents growth off of your fields.
  • Light language chant to amplify the safety and release the restriction of the comfort zone.
  • Embrace an empowered expansion and growth.
  • Embrace an energetic configuration that supports empowered growth.

Release the restrictions that prevent growth.

Be the SPROUT.

Dive deeper and get greater support, information, and tools to help release fatigue and

move into an empowered expanded state with the Release Energetic Fatigue TALL Cups of Consciousness Session.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you, Aleya.
August 29th 2022
Becky G
Sooo perfect, thank you 💞
August 29th 2022
Thank you Aleya! Just what I needed as I am making new and bold moves in my business 🙋🏾‍♀️❤️🙏🏾
August 29th 2022