Release, Clear, Repair, Recalibrate

7 minute audio meditations to help you release unhealthy patterns and behaviors. Re-pattern yourself with healthy vibrations. Repair and heal.

Empty Out - Last Day of the Lunar Cycle

Use this Cup on the last day of the Lunar cycle to LET order for a new cycle to begin. If you hold onto old dreams and intentions there is no room to bring in new, higher vibrational energies into your life. Increase your courage quotient and let go of the old so that you are open to bring in the new.

  • Energetically locate the vibrations that no longer serve you and use tones to let those energies go.
  • Let go of the appropriate layers, lines, and energy that no longer serves you.
  • Trust in the process as a new cycle begins.
  • Hold a high vibration as you allow for the release and the emptying of the old.
  • Bring in a healing hologram that supports you as you gracefully let go.
  • Invite the angelic realm of love and light to encircle you and hold a safe and gentle space as you release, surrender, and let go.
  • Bring in extra protection with orbs of light.
May you have a gentle and graceful release.

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Thank you Aleya
April 21st 2020