Release, Clear, Repair, Recalibrate

7 minute audio meditations to help you release unhealthy patterns and behaviors. Re-pattern yourself with healthy vibrations. Repair and heal.

New Moon in Scorpio Intentions

Get your courage on and let the deep release and shedding of the old skin continue, but now with a bit more kick. Embrace the release. Think of the behaviors that you hold that you wish to release as the mask/costume you are ready to take off.

  • Take a moment to think of two or three behavior's belief system's attitude you would like to release once and for all.
  • Use the power of the Moon in Scorpio to deeply release all ways of being that do not support you. Let go of the self critique, fear, negativity, judgment and for it may be 
  • Invite Higher Self of you, your body, and Team to locate your grids, belief systems, and behaviors that hold the vibration's of these limiting beliefs and behaviors.
  • Gently release all these energetic grids that hold these belief systems, behavior's, attitudes, emotions, and thought forms. a
  • Create a new energetic matrix that holds higher vibrations, and healthier ways of being.
  • Tones to assist the release.
  • Bring in energetic grids that hold more loving, kind, accepting, and an empowered way of being.
  • Imagine some energetic part of you, your body, and Team recalibrating your grids in a way that is in greater alignment with your essence, wisdom, and mastery.
  • As this release and transformation occur in this lunar cycle hold a gentle and supportive space for yourself as you let go of old ways of being and bring in new way that is more supportive and loving.
May you gently release in the Scorpio Moon.



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Comments & Discussion

Beautiful as always!! Thanks Aleya for the extra sip ;-D
November 2nd 2016
Thank you!
November 1st 2016
2nd cup was perfect. Happy Halloween to all.
October 31st 2016
Happy new moon, thank you Aleya, feeling, sensing the release, so powerful. Thank you
October 31st 2016
Thank you so much for your feedback.
October 31st 2016
Second Cup a great gift, Thank you!
October 31st 2016
Thank you for the guidance to release ineffective energies during this very special new moon. Blessings
October 31st 2016