Release, Clear, Repair, Recalibrate

7 minute audio meditations to help you release unhealthy patterns and behaviors. Re-pattern yourself with healthy vibrations. Repair and heal.

Release Your Ancestors' Blocks and Issues

Release ancestral blocks and issues. Some part of us may be trying to fix our parents' issues, or their parents', or their parents', and so on. Clean and release to let go of the patterns that are not yours. If irritation has been coming up, this is an indicator that some part of you may be locating and releasing a vibration that is not yours. Let it go and find a different flow.

  • Locate all ancestral issues or blocks that you are carrying.
  • Return these issues back to them, along with all relevant and appropriate information.
  • Bring all your gifts off of your ancestors and back to you.
  • Call forth the angelic realm to help your ancestors to clear their blocks and negative karma.
  • Work on your issues at the level of your Higher Self where you can.

May you gently release patterns that no longer serve.

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was guided to do this meditation and a few others to begin with for this month's Samhain month. Thank you Aleya for these healing sessions :)
October 2nd 2016