Tool Box Tools and The Basics

7 minute audio meditations that are great daily reminders to help you stay clean, clear, and calm. Basic meditations to give you a foundation for spiritual growth and transformation.

Tones to Clear the Third Chakra

Clean and clear your energy. Bring in tones to clean and clear the third chakra (power and will center). This is a very intense one. You may need to listen "passively" - very quietly in the background, barely audible.

  • Tone along to clear the third chakra.
  • Clear all cords with the frequency of love and light.
  • Bring in a healing hologram around the third chakra.

This therapeutic toning piece can help heartburn, issues around power, and it can help release feelings of being helpless.

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Comments & Discussion

I'm not getting my Wednesday Cup, what's up with that?
October 10th 2012
I must have missed something along the way. If my head is 12 o'clock and my feet are 6 o'clock, and I'm to spin my chakra counterclockwise, is that looking at me from the front or the back?
October 10th 2012
Ahhh,,,thank you for this most appropriate cup this morning. I will be listening to this one daily for a few days. great tall cup last night. :) Terese
October 9th 2012
Good morning. Thank you for serving as my guide through my transitional period of life. I look forward to clarity and renewed confidence in myself and all I do. I wish the very best of life for you and all others.
October 9th 2012
a i am birthing Heaven on Earth these tonal energies are helping to ease and quicken the process! gratitude and blessings, angelique
October 9th 2012