Transformation and Spiritual Growth

7 min. audio meditation with energetic protocols and sound healing to help the process of energetic transformation and spiritual growth.

A Protocol and Sip About Self Control

This Cup helps in increasing your inner connection and self-control. Use this first protocol with a little sip (explanation at the end) to increase self-control and feel into all the good things that happen the more you move into self-control. This is an excellent and short practice to do everyday.

  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Team to lift all your control chips off of others and back to your divine line.
  • Only control the flow of light that flows in your divine line.


Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

Karen C
Thank you! Now I realize my body was in rejection mode and not tapped in with what I value: beauty and ease. It was so offline, lol.
January 31st 2020
Exactly what I was needing today. Enormous gratitude as I breathe, sink deeper in, sleep, dream and play. Xoxo
January 31st 2020
This is wonderful and much needed by me. Thank you !
January 31st 2020