Whale Meditations

7 minute audio meditations with whales songs and energetic protocols to help you using the Whale medicine.

Activation Light Language, Whale, Toning Song

Out of the box and playing with new gear! 

This song is a three-part activation. The first part is intense and is for the mental body, the second part if for the body, and the third part is for the Soul. This is a song that was sung to me the other day by the angelic realm to help balance and align to all of the energies that we have been swirling in. The angelic realm helped me compile this piece. The first and third part is the angelic song and the second part is toning, whales, and a base chakra crystal bowl.

Listen to this 8 minute song activation with a good headset. I went into a very altered state while recording and editing it. 

Do not drive while listening to this one.



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Comments & Discussion

Beautiful and so Powerful! Thank you, Aleya!
May 14th 2014
This is so beautiful and clearing and grounding! Amazing clarity and love. Thank you, Aleya. Namaste.
May 9th 2014
So beautiful, and soothing. Just what i needed this morning after a rough start to the day. It put me in a meditative state which was great cause I thought I was far from getting to that place. Thank you so much! I also found the sound great and enjoyed the transition between the 3 sections. xx
May 9th 2014
I couldn't move after this. Wow. Potent. Lovely.
May 9th 2014
Emily DeVargas
Amazingly Beautiful!!!! Good clear sound too :-) Blessings, love & light xo
May 9th 2014
Wonderful, thank you Aleya!
May 9th 2014
May 9th 2014
Beautiful, thank you so much!
May 9th 2014
I love this! Felt like it grounded me with love
May 9th 2014
I experienced lovely body sensations.
May 9th 2014
Couldn't be better. I thought the sound was perfect. My new favorite. Of course I heard my name in there
May 9th 2014
Beautifully soothing! Enjoyed this one immensely.
May 9th 2014
Oh wow Aleya this is so beautiful...thank you!
May 9th 2014