Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Balance Electrical and Magnetic Energy - Geomagnetic Storm

When there are geomagnetic storms it can imbalance the electrical and magnetic frequency within your body. Use this Cup to help balance the electrical and magnetic frequencies within the energy fields of you, your body, and Team. The more balanced you are the greater clarity you will have.

  • Invite your body to energetically reference the balance of its electrical and magnetic frequencies with in its energetic fields, chakras,  endocrine system, and crystalline structures within and around the skull.
  • Invite your body to discern the level of electrical and magnetic frequency within its system. 
  • Invite your body to to balance the electrical and the magnetic frequency within it's microbes, chakras, craniosacral fluid, and endocrine system.
  • Take a moment and hold space for your body to use the energetic aspect of itself to bring greater balance for itself.
  • As your body moves into balance and reflects that balance down to itself in the physical realm we bring in tones and light language to assist your body as it balances its electrical and magnetic frequencies within all systems, components, and levels of its being.
  • Invite your Higher Self to balance the electrical and the magnetic frequency within your energetic fields.
  • Invite your Team to balance their energetic fields for greater balance and harmony as well.

May you move in the day in a balanced way and model that in the world.


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Comments & Discussion

Amazingly powerful cup - loved it. Felt it strongly, and instantly recharged. Though the toning was so exceptional, I could feel waves of energy. Yes it knocked me out. Blessings :)
October 18th 2016
Wonderful. Thank you for bringing it in :)
October 17th 2016
Lovely, powerful toning and very useful information - thank you Aleya!
October 17th 2016
Thank you so much for your feedback.
October 17th 2016
I was able to clearly, palpably sense and expand the stillness I experienced during this meditation. I could feel the corrections being made to my energetic and magnetic systems and had the thought to move into making some affirmations real, out there initially to in here. Graciously, Thank you Aleya.
October 17th 2016