Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Base Chakra Cleaning

This is a Cup to help access strengthening and cleansing. Use this energy to clean your base chakra. When your base chakra is clean, support, empowerment, and clarity bloom. This meditation can help you drop out of the busy mind and find a calmer more centered stance.

  • Energetically locate, clean, clear, balance, and strengthen your base chakra by gently spinning it in a counterclockwise direction to clean and clear discordant vibrations, distortions, and perceptions of disconnection. (Your base chakra is funnel that points down to the ground. The front of your body is 12 o'clock. The back of your body is 6 o'clock.)
  • Gently spin your base chakra in a clockwise direction, strengthening it, and infusing the vibration of your wisdom and mastery into your base chakra. 
  • Invite the Higher Self of you and your body to create an energetic grid of support that holds the wisdom and mastery of you and your body.
  • Hold responsibility for supporting yourself.
May you hold a supported, grounded, and empowered stance as you move in the day, sleep, dream, and play.



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Love the frogs!
September 5th 2019