Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Body Deva Connection

This Cup is a tiny bit more advanced.

Let your Higher Self do it if your mind does not "get it" at first.


Repair the energetic matrix of connection by healing all moments of disconnection. Imagine a spider web being woven and that web being repaired with stands of love and light. That is what is happening inside of you to the degree that you choose. We have a divine line that flows in front of the spine. That is where the essence of your Soul is held. There are grids of light that extend from your divine line and wrap around your entire spine. Think of it as your seat belt. This energetic matrix / web of light fills your cerebral spinal fluid, up and down the spine.


If trauma (a sense of disconnection) has occurred at any point in time it can tear this grid. Use this meditation to repair that grid and move into a deeper connection. Increase internal safety and inner empowerment because you will then have the ability to access (source) more of your essence.

  • Energetically locate your divine line that flows just in front of your spine.
  • Locate the energetic matrix that wraps around the spine from your divine line.
  • Heal the energetic matrix and heal all moments you disconnected from you.
  • Breathe up and down the spine.
  • Repair the connection with the breath.

May you feel a deeply centered, calm current of light flowing within you.

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Aleya's Rating:

Comments & Discussion

I have been struggling with an illness since Friday and did not feel like I could do this until tonight. I was actually a little afraid of what might come up with this meditation, but I think this is one of my favorites. Aleya, you have such a perfect balance of strength and gentleness to your healings. I really felt like I eased into this and I feel great.
March 15th 2011