Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Body Deva Grounding, Manifesting Activation - Heart Earth

This Cup helps you to ground, manifest, and serve in a more supported way. Increase your capacity to serve to a greater degree from a place of passion, vitality, abundant resources, clarity, divine protection, and divine timing. 

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Recognize that you are an ethereal being riding in a human form, and that your body is of this world and is a nature spirit, and has access to all of the resources in all dimensions on this planet.
  • Invite your Higher Self to connect with the Higher Self of your body.
  • Invite your body to recognize and remember that it is a Nature Spirit.
  • Invite your body to use its Nature grids to travel down to the heart of Earth.
  • Invite your body to connect with the essence of Earth.
  • Invite your body to receive the energetic codes and resources from Earth.
  • Invite Earth/Gaia to connect with your body in a supportive and gentle way, and to gently send appropriate energetic resources that helps your body be supported.
  • Tones to assist this transmission and activation from Earth to your body.
  • Hold space as your body opens the doors and accesses the resources it needs in the higher realms and in the heart of Earth.
  • Invite your Higher Self to activate the vibration of your mastery in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite your body to hold it's awareness in it's divine line as it uses the higher realms to tap into the resources it needs to help you the rider serve.
May your body increase support, clarity, and protection as it creates more opportunities for you to serve in an empowered way.


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April 14th 2020
April 14th 2020