Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Body Deva Process In a Higher Realm

Use this cup to help your body process the energetic shifts in the higher realms. This meditation is based on a response to a request from a daily cup subscriber. Invite your body deva to use the higher realms to process energy instead of using it physical human form. The body needs continual reminders to use its energy self.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Connect with your body deva at the level of its Higher Self.
  • Invite your body deva to energetically identify all that it is processing and bring all of that energy to its Higher Self.
  • Urge your body deva to lift all of the energy that it is trying to process, release, clear, and bring in and to process it in a higher realm.
  • Invite your body to use its Higher Self to process all energy at the level of its Higher Self.
  • Invite your body to bring in grids and support that can help your body evolve in a gentle and graceful way.
  • Think of one quality you want your body to hold.
  • Activate that vibration in your divine line and model it to your body.
  • Hold space for your body as it processes in the higher realms.
May your body process, release, and clear using the higher realms.


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Comments & Discussion

Just what I was looking for! Thank you💜
December 5th 2015
Kathleen - thank you:)
December 4th 2015
The ABC's of connecting with the B/D. It never seemed so simply and effective. I agree with Nadine - quintessential!
December 4th 2015
Aleya this is a quintessential lesson, worthy of many re-runs! Should be a personal daily exercise right next to taking B complex. I transferred this image to my Soul being the 'big sister' protecting/caring for the little sister (B/D); a loving protective relationship. Powerful Aleya - this is a significant lesson! Many Blessings to you for this Cup alone! O:)
December 4th 2015
Thanks for the reminder about body deva higher self. This came at the perfect time. "Self Control" is a big one for this time of the year! Fabulous!
December 4th 2015
We thank you. Blessings.
December 4th 2015
My body experienced a very deep relaxation, Thank you!
December 4th 2015
My body really needed this help! Thanks so much!
December 4th 2015