Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Body Health and Balance

Use this Cup to increase immunity and physical health. As the pace picks up, balance your body's timing and rhythm. Fatigue, colds, and body imbalances are one way the body recalibrates to higher vibrations and a different rhythm. Use this Cup to help your body find balance, get healthy, or stay healthy.

  • Bring in the sacred sphere that supports it in moving into greater degrees of health and vitality.
  • Locate any areas that are out of balance and gently dissolve them off the physical form with a gentle counterclockwise direction.
  • Invite your body to clean all of its energy centers.
  • Bring in the grids of health and harmony.
  • Infuse your body with its essence.
  • Allow the Nature Spirit that you are residing in to heal itself.
  • Lift your issues off your body deva.
  • Work on your issues at the level of your Higher Self.
  • Invite the body to balance its electrical and magnetic energies within itself and within the microbes.
  • Open the lines of communication between your divine line and the divine line of the body deva.
  • Clean and clear all cords and blocks off the chakra systems.
  • Invite your Body to remember and reconnect with the Nature Kingdom.
  • Increase your body's connection and ability to receive the resources it needs for health, balance, and vitality.
  • Invite your Body Deva to unplug from the mass consciousness and feel the support coming from the heart of Earth and the Heart of Source.

Imagine your head is 12 o'clock and your feet are 6 o'clock. 

Go from the top of your head left to your feet then up on the right side to the top of your head = that is clockwise.

May you feel increased health and vitality in every breath.



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Comments & Discussion

Oh THANK YOU Aleya for the talk on body health. There is so much in that 1.5 minutes. I'm inspired to really practice these teachings and see if it shifts my longstanding health issues.
July 7th 2016
Great one and timely...I don't use FB for posting any more ....working on deeper level of forgiving and forgiveness ....I'll search through my meditations,,, could you do a daily cup or include in the next tall cup some guidance on foregiveness etc?nthanks so much!
July 7th 2016
Healing Blessings of Love and Light to you and your BD, Aleya.
July 7th 2016
Very helpful to my body deva!
July 7th 2016