Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Feeling "Home" Sick? Find Comfort - Song

Find comfort in this sweet song I recorded with a dear friend Barry Goldstein. We composed and recorded this song for the days when the feeling of being home sick sets in. Use this song to find comfort and an inner remembrance. Open your heart and remember where you are from, and why you have come.


We all visitors in this land, some of stay longer than others, but we all return to the heart of Source, and then express ourselves again.

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Comments & Discussion

Remember to breathe! and forgive yourself and the whole thing!! We always get to start again!
July 27th 2012
Is anyone else feeling frustration with the clearing out & releasing process? I'm trying so hard to let go of certain old habits and patterns...certain ways of thinking that lead to ways of behaving...and I feel like I'm making less headway and more of a mess than before. I feel like giving up but I'm afraid of REALLY making a mess of things then!!!
July 26th 2012
Hi Aleya, First time I've posted. I love your daily meditations! This one is gorgeous and makes me feel so peaceful. I was told by a healer once when I said I was so homesick for CA that it wasn't CA I was homesick for, but my true Spiritual home. He was so right! I've been back in CA for 5 years and moved 5 times!! Finding my spiritual center is the only place of peace! Your meditations take me home! Love, Wendy
July 26th 2012
Yes the feeling of being alone, empty, out of energy, and passion is definitely up right now. I see it as part of this huge clearing and emptying out vibration that we are at the tail end of. It can be uncomfortable when we do not know what is going on, but when we are aware that is it all part of the release and we surrender to this deep emptiness we then feel the veils dissolve and the angelic presence comes close, and magic happens in the void. From Aleya
July 26th 2012
Feeling alone is rarely experienced in my world, however, for the past 2-3 days, especially today. I awoke,
feeling deeply sad & Alone, and yes fatigued. Finding these emotions mysterious, I am somewhat relieved to see this in print on Cups of Consciousness. Your song is beautiful, my tears also flowed, so, here's to remembering & releasing those old feelings, Yea!
July 26th 2012
Ahhh, Aleya. As soon as the first chords began playing of this song the tears started to flow. It's been so, so long since I've felt a true sense of home...partly at least because so many dear ones in my life have passed on. Anyhow, I am still incorporating the healing sounds of this lovely song as I write this. Thank you so much for sharing and teaching and reminding all that you do. Much love to you, Aleya.
July 26th 2012
Beautiful!! So beautiful! We are 'home' here for now. Let's all lovingly do what we are here to do and in doing it in connection with our non-physical counterparts and with joy we can model that to others and perhaps help gentle things down here a bit. Many blessings to you Aleya for sharing all that you do with us! Kim
July 26th 2012
When I listen to this song I always feel at home... Thank you Aleya!
July 26th 2012