Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Firmly Attach Your Divine Line to the Front of Spine

Use this Cup to get really grounded.
One of the most powerful ways to ground is to firmly attach your divine line to the front of your spine. This improves health, slows down aging, and increases support in all areas of your life, as well as calming the heart, decreasing back pain, and more. 
This is a perfect Cup to use daily - or regularly - to clean, clear, ground, and ride right in your Body Deva. It is also potent to use during times of the Mercury Retrograde - the more grounded you are the more gentle the re-calibration of Mercury Retrograde will be.

  • Take a deep breath in and pull yourself into your divine line.
  • Lift all of your reference points, anchors, focus, and awareness's off of everyone and everything and back to your divine line.
  • Energetically locate your divine line and firmly attach your divine line in your very own unique way to the front of your spine. Anchor yourself in your saddle. You are a beam of light riding in a human form. 
  • Take a moment to imagine some energetic aspect of you firmly attaching your divine line to the front of your spine.
  • Invite the energetic aspect of your body to work in higher realms and collaborate and conspire in a way that supports you in riding in your body in a healthy, co-creative, grounded way.
  • Use your inhale and the energetic aspect of you to firmly attach your divine line all the way up and down the front of the spine.
  • Tones to assist you in anchoring and grounding your beam of light.
  • Open the lines of communication between your divine line and your body's divine line.
  • Imagine snuggling your divine line onto the front of the spine at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras.  
  • At the 6th chakra run your divine line straight up the front of the spine and out the top of the head.
In every breath may you ride in a supported healthy co-creative way.


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Comments & Discussion

I haven't gotten to the second cup yet, but that first one was amazing! Wow! thank you!
June 22nd 2020
Thanks so much for your generosity, Aleya! Another timeless T.C.
June 22nd 2020
June 22nd 2020
I check it and the file is completely intact. It did not cut off. Use this direct link to access all the files.
June 22nd 2020
The link kept playing but the Cup, your voice cutoff
June 22nd 2020
Mine cutoff as well 🙏🏽🖤😬 @31
June 22nd 2020
Wow!!!! I'm feeling beautifully lighter*
So so good, so powerfully spot on & revealing of why unable to shift old blocking behaviors.... Wrong tools! Too much in my mind!! And my teams need more support too!!
So much gratitude for you Dear Aleya*****
June 22nd 2020
Hi, the mercury retrograde TC is so very good, and much appreciated. Question: did you cut off the audio at around 30 minutes in on purpose? (at the dispelling curses hexes and spells.)
June 22nd 2020