Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Gather Your Mastery

Open to all of the wisdom and mastery we have acquired in all of our incarnations. Your Soul has journeyed for thousands of incarnations and thousands of years. In each incarnation you have grown and gathered tools, wisdom, and mastery. Gather and utilize all of your resources. Energetically locate all of the vibrations, skills, tools, wisdom, and mastery that your Soul has spent thousands of years acquiring.

  • Lift these tools and wisdom off of everyone and everything and back to you.
  • Tones for bringing your wisdom and gifts back to you.
  • Calibrate your energetic receptors to utilize your gifts, tools, and wisdom so that you are able to use them for yourself.

This one is simple and light, yet profound, and will also hold space for integrating deeper meditations.



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Comments & Discussion

sending a good vibe to you in thanksgiving for your angelic help, all good things are possibe
February 12th 2013
Emily DeVargas
Hello Aleya, just want to let you know that I really enjoyed this. Your voice is amazingly beautiful. Thank you for everything you do. Lots of Blessings, Love & Light.
April 19th 2012
joan powell
Fabulous! Very, very powerful meditation! My wish is that every one does this exercise daily for a few days or so. It probably will take a little bit to get through all the layers after so many years, but maybe not.
I saw myself as a magnet. We are all so powerful. Believe.
Much Love!
April 19th 2012
Jenny Mizote
Thank you for today's meditation. I have been able to listed to your Daily Cups and even play them over and over. You have given me my wish with today's. Thank you.
April 19th 2012