Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Heal the Wound that is Ripe for Healing

This Cup is an energetic protocol, toning, and light language to help you heal, activate the spiritual lesson, and release the discordant energy within. This Cup has an intensity to it. Potent, focused, and down to business. Roll up the sleeves and do the work. Do the inner work and the outer flow will occur.

  • Hold your awareness in this present breath of now.
  • Pull your awareness into your divine line.
  • Ponder an old wound that is ready for healing. Regret, shame, an inability to receive, self sabotage, fear, anger, victim, or loss 
  • As you think of the challenge, ponder the solution, the opposite, the positive. As you determine the challenge and the solution invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Team.
  • Place a healing hologram around you your body and team activating the vibration of the spiritual lesson. Greater empowerment, receptivity, connection joy, determination or courage. 
  • Take a deep breath in hold your awareness in your divine line imagine a current stream of light that carries this quality flowing to a greater degree vertically and internally in the divine line of you, your body, and Team.
  • Activate the sacred shape that holds the vibration of the solution to encircle you, your body, and Team. Gently spin this sacred shape around you, your body, and Team. 
  • Reflect this shift in consciousness to you in this breath of now. 
May you heal the wound and activate the vibration of the spiritual lesson.


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Comments & Discussion

This week, anger popped up and out of me, which hasn't happened for a while. I can feel it is good to use today's meditation on that particular aspect. I am doing it today, Saturday. Thank you. It is a soothing meditation and tears surfaced near the end. Will do this and all of lasts weeks a few more times. 💜
April 23rd 2016
Your toning was so nurturing. I could feel the vibrations resonating through my being. Thank you. Namasté
April 22nd 2016
Your angel voice was like a gentle sweet balm that spread through every cell. It was an instantaneous shift from a scattered bundle of emotions to a calm centeredness. I'm so blessed to have you in my life.
April 22nd 2016
Correction... Toning
April 22nd 2016
Wonderful. Thank you for your comments. I loved doing the timing on this one. Potent.
April 22nd 2016
Wonderful! Best possible timing for me again, thank you!
April 22nd 2016
Great timing once again. Thank you Aleya!
April 22nd 2016
So beautiful. Thank you.
April 22nd 2016
Simply Beautiful . Deep Gratitude
April 22nd 2016