Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Increase Abundance and Flow In the Body Deva Divine Cosmic Loop

Tap into the energy of enough-ness. Use this Cup to increase support, abundance, and flow in the divine cosmic loop of your body. The more your body is supported by the light in its divine line the more it will be supported in the world. When you invite your body to connect with it's divine spark it has the ability to access more resources.

  • Pull your energy and awareness into your divine line.
  • Invite your higher self to connect with your body at the level of its higher self. 
  • Open up lines of communication and connection with your body.
  • Take a moment to imagine and connect with the nature spirit that represents the consciousness of your body. a
  • Invite your body to energetically reference its divine spark that is part of the divine spark of Earth that exists in the heart of Source.
  • Invite your body to reference where it is sourced from. 
  • Invite your body to pull all of the resources that it has access to that have the capacity to support it as it serves.
  • Hold space as your body accesses all of the resources
  • Invite your body to activate a greater flow of support.
  • Invite your body to lift all of its reference points off of everyone and everything for flow, support, enough-ness, abundance, and resources.  
  • Invite your body to bring these reference points for it's resources back to its divine cosmic line. 
  • Amplify a greater flow of abundance in the divine cosmic loop of the body deva.
May your body amplify support and flow in it's divine cosmic loop.

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Comments & Discussion

Yes, I too appreciate the details plus images, great reminder, helps me slip into place, the background music was in perfect timing with your voice.
July 24th 2018
Love the detailed step by step aspect of this protocol! You always offer a new insight or something I haven't thought of doing before, even after a few years of receiving the cups! I will listen to this one many times and practice it with my BD :)
July 24th 2018