Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Open Your Heart Using the Energy of Venus

Open your heart using the energy of Venus. Let Venus help to open our hearts and energetically locate a very deep and profound wisdom that resides in our core. Dive deep, open wide, and move into a more expanded consciousness with today's POWERFUL energy. 

Try to sit in deep meditation for at least 10 or 20 minutes after listening to this daily cup. With each breath, hold the thoughts of your mind in stillness.

  • Bring your awareness and breath into your heart.
  • Connect with the essence of Venus.
  • Open to receive information from Venus about how to heal and open your heart, and bring in greater degrees of self love.
  • Activate the heart center from a place of self love, inner support, and courage.
  • Bring the shape of courage around you, and support you in this time of expansion, opening, and change.
  • Energetically locate the wisdom, gems, and mastery that you hold deep in your heart.
  • Energetically bring all of your reference points for creating and manifesting back to your heart.
  • Locate the inner resources in order to create in the outer world.
  • Clean and clear the heart so it has the capacity to receive a higher vibration of love and light.
  • Heal you communication heart chakra grids.

Breathe deep. Aaaaaaaah.


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Comments & Discussion

Your meditations are soothing, comforting, and my early morning process for beginning my day. Many times I lose touch with the love I know I hold for our planet. Your venus heart meditation was perfect and a gentle reminder that love is - all that is. Thank You and your perfect timing and perfect voice. Namaste.
June 5th 2012
Richard D. Iyall
I appreciate love and all energies from Venus, which are being magnified today, as the energy from the sun passes by Venus on the way to this planet, where there is so much life. I accept this love and I understand to share the love with creation, as I am led to be in touch with my higher self; as I set my goal to be in touch with my higher self.
June 5th 2012