Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Open to Receive by Holding the Vibration of Hope

Use the vibration of hope to open your heart, heal, and receive. Hope is a combination of several frequencies. It holds the qualities of trust, divine timing, patience, love, joy, and a surrender to your greatest happiness. We can often hold our hope in the future, leave it in the past, or give it to others. Bring your hope back to you. As you hold your hope within, it opens your channels for receiving.

  • We invite your Higher Self, that energetic aspect of you, to work with your energetic fields and the Guides to energetically locate all hope that you have left in the past, projected into the future, or have given to others, and to bring all of your HOPE CHIPS back to your Higher Self.
  • Hold your hope in you, on you, and for you.
  • Bring in a sphere of light that helps you heal the way you hold hope.
  • Be encircled by the Ascended Masters and have them model the vibration of healthy hope to you.
  • As you hold hope it opens your channels to receive.
May your hopeful heart activate the flow for you to receive all your heart desires.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you for this. I actually thought hope belonged in the future. It feels so good - joyful! - to have it in the present.
January 5th 2012
Thank you! Hope has been my word thus far in 2012 and I am so grateful for this mediation.
January 5th 2012
Jenny Mizote
I was toying with the idea of letting go of hope on a particular issue in my life, and so when I read your meditation for today, my first emotion was to cry. I have done the meditation a few times today and am grateful, once again. Namaste
January 5th 2012