Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Re-Calibrate Your Still Time

One of the reasons I love Mercury Retrograde is because the perception of time slows. We are able to accomplish more, re-visit old projects, take time to renew and review. 

Use this meditation to help you complete projects, clean out the closets, and take down time. Re-calibrate your timing to a different current with today's "Time Stood Still" musical cup. This is a favorite of mine.



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Comments & Discussion

I continue to listen to this...nearly every morning. It is my energetic sunshine.warms my heart every time I listen to it. :)
March 22nd 2013
This song is beautiful and is so familiar. Is this one of your original compositions? It is truly connected
March 7th 2013
I am touched to the state of tears. I thank you for all your support, love, and kindness as this journey continues to unfold. Aleya
February 26th 2013
Happy 4th Anniversary! I love all the versions of Time Stood Still and listened to today's over and over....great start to my day. Michele
February 26th 2013
Wow. Four years! What an incredible library you have created! I am so grateful for you and your work, for it has supported me in such a dramatic transformation in ways that no one else could. I discovered your meditations almost five years ago, and remember being in awe and admiration of you when you began the daily cups. I am so honored to have been a part of your journey and witness to the development of your voice and your music while benefiting from your teachings, wisdom, prodding, and encouragement. Thank you so very much. with gratitude, Gysela
February 26th 2013
Beautiful, as always Aleya! You are such a treat! Everything you send us is so special! Special, special, special, special...! I have infinate love and gratitude for you, and for your Team of Angels, guides,the Ascended Masters and all other non-physical beings of light that share with us through you! And let's not forget your magical musicians too...the piano in this piece was especially beautiful! Love and light to everyone involved in this most wonderous gift to our life experiences! Happy Anniversary Aleya! So, so, so, so, so much love! Kim
February 26th 2013
I love the "massaged" version! I believe it's been 3 and 1/2 years that I've been getting your Cups and wow, the changes that have come about in my life! Not only that, learning what to do to quiet empathic sensitivity and how to release that old driving need to "help" others and instead model right energy has made such a HUGE difference! Thank you---I love you---blessings & hugs to you! Dorothy
February 26th 2013
Aleya, So very beautiful! My body was twitching throughout the peace...great releasing. I have been with you now for 4 years and it has been a pleasure to see you keep evolving as you also help us all evolve. You are such a gift to the world. Thank you. I love you! joanie
February 26th 2013
Go figure.... :).... the first note brought tears streaming down my face,,, all through it. It will be 2 years that I have been blessed with the amazing resources and support brought through you, Aleya and all. I am so grateful I found you. I know it was not happen chance. I am pleasantly surprised when a daily cup or tall cup comes in my morning email and it is spot on or answered what has already occurred. Magic. thanks, thanks,thanks to all.
February 26th 2013
This song is so powerful that I downloaded it and I am listening it to it all day! It gives me such a sense of calm and productivity!!! I love it! The words, the toning, the music... it touches me deeply!
February 26th 2013
Thank You Aleya and Happy Anniversary. I have enjoyed and used your daily meditaions for over a year(plus). They have helped me in many ways. I know that your meditations have helped keep me healthy and aligned. I am grateful for finding you and what you bring to us everyday. Again Thank You and many Blessings. Kathy
February 26th 2013
chills...i love this. as "slee816" said, "lovely and uplifting".
February 26th 2013
lovely and uplifting. we are having a big snowstorm and there is a lot of fear in the mass consciousness. i took great solice in your song. thank you.
February 26th 2013