Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Release Procrastination

Revisit old behaviors and shift them. Release that delightfully endearing quality of procrastination. We can procrastinate for many reasons --- not enough time, tasks are dull, not enough info, playing is more fun, and so on. In the time and energy it takes to procrastinate we could get all the little tasks done and have more play time. Release this vibration and open to a more expanded state of time.

  • Energetically locate all areas of your life where you are procrastinating.
  • Infuse appropriate information into these tasks and activities.
  • Release all frustration and upset from all of the moments of procrastination.
  • Infuse divine timing into all of your projects and tasks.
  • Engage in all of these activities in the higher realms, completing them there and reflecting them to you here in this physical realm.
May your tasks, projects, and dreams flow in divine order and graceful flow.


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Comments & Discussion

Keven Bridge
Yes, I delayed listening to the meditation for nearly 20 hours...but interestingly I found myself having used the time, instead, to do some of the most pressing and pesky little tasks I had been putting off. Oh, yes, Aleya, we get the info when we sign up (Intend and Take an Action in the world...) Thank you, as always... Keven
December 9th 2011
This comes at the perfect time for me as I am facing several challenges both at work and in my personal life. Thank you so much for this protocol, one I will definitely use often. I feel so much more clarity and motivation to move forward on the issues at hand.

Love & Blessings to You,
December 8th 2011