Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Release the Sensation of the Flat Line

Release the sensation of the flat-line. An acceleration in time can create a sensation of overwhelm. When we go into overwhelm we can actually shut down and experience what I call the flat-line energy. Release any sensation of the flat-line as a current of passion and joy streams onto the planet.

  • Light language to clear the flat line, i.e. the passionless place.
  • Clear the back of third eye, base of your skull, and the back of your heart.
  • Release mass consciousness, self doubt, and flatness.
  • Bring in the energetic grids that support you in the expression and reflection of your Soul's passion.
  • Bring in the hologram of your Soul's passion.
  • Energetically locate the vibration of your Soul's passion that flows in your divine line and in your energetic fields.

May your flat-line dissolve and passion and motivation bloom.



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Comments & Discussion

Sally Burke
Thank you Aleya. Your gift is very gentle yet powerfully moving. I am blessed to have had the experience of your meditations. May the many blessing you give to others also come back to you. Sally
June 8th 2011