Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Repair and Reweave your Tunnel of Light

Use this Cup to clean, clear, and recalibrate your tunnel of light.

Your tunnel of light inserts at the back of your neck. It is like an energetic USB port. It is different than your divine line. You and your body have the capacity to use the tunnel of light to re-pattern and reprogram yourself in a supportive and empowering way.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Locate your tunnel of light that inserts at the back of your neck.
  • Gently clean, clear, repair, and re-pattern your tunnel of light with greater qualities of clarity, empowerment, gentleness, flow, discernment, self acceptance, compassion, and freedom.
  • Take a moment to allow some energetic aspect of you and your body repair your tunnel of light.
  • Repair the origin and insertion points.
  • Clean and clear any vibrations that is not the essence of you or your body off of your tunnel of light.
  • Activate sacred shapes, sounds, and light of empowerment at the origin point of your tunnel of light where your Higher Self and your body's Higher Self send energetic information down the tunnel.
  • Toning to assist those energetic aspects of you and your body clean, clear, and re-pattern your tunnel of light. 
May you use your tunnel of light to repattern yourself in a supportive and empowered way.

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Comments & Discussion

New info on tunnel of light was wonderful
February 26th 2021
I am grateful for this cup. It clarifies the tunnel of light and revisits this. I have the thought that it is activated when I bow my head to pray. I have a vision of being in a huge church in ancient times activating the tunnel of light in prayer.
February 25th 2021