Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Transform Your Financial Karma $$$$

Bring in new financial karma. Recalibrate your $$ mojo. Bring in greater support and flow.

As we evolve we increase the way in which we support ourselves. Very often we shift but forget to update the contracts we have with the energies that have the capacity to support us.

  • Locate your karmic and astrological financial grids.
  • Infuse the vibration of connection, flow, trust, and allowing, love, and gratitude into the astrological lines that affect your finances here in this world.
  • Renegotiate your financial karma, contracts, and agreements so that your finances reflect the increased support that you hold in your divine line.
  • Invite your Body Deva to increase its support in its divine line.
  • (A stretch) I move into a slightly different energy around the 7th minute and I directly focus on your Body Consciousness / Nature Spirit that is your body. I invite it in English and in light language to increase support in it's divine line. You are not your body. Your body has its own unique consciousness and has the capacity to manifest. It is from this world.
  • Light language to activate manifesting.

May your financial support increase as you and your body increase the internal support.

P.S.  Many people feel a digestive imbalance as energetic shifts occur. Eat lightly, take pro-biotics, and drink lots of water, and give yourself fresh air when you release that which no longer serves.


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Comments & Discussion

Joan Powell
Aleya, I just love to listen to you when you speak in Light beautiful!
August 26th 2011
It is like you are reading my mind. I have just updated my fees for my classes and workshops (I have not raised my fees in 4 years). I was feeling that they were not reflecting the time, energy and money that I was spending each year in professional development, travelling and overall expenses in running a business. The support that is needed to share my gifts so to speak. I always have trouble with this concept of attaching enough value to what I do. I sent the e-mail to my clients yesterday but have been feeling a little uneasy. I guess just feeling like I needed some reassurance and support. I turned on my computer and there it was - thank you so much!
August 25th 2011