Daily Meditations

These meditations are timely and timeless and can be listened to at any time and as many times as you wish. Listen to your intuition. When you feel "energetically full" let yourself integrate the work by taking a bath, going for a walk, listen to music, or take a nap.

Amp up the energetic support.

Use today's first Cup to expand and strengthen your back body support grids and recalibrate how you find support in your life.  

This is also a great Cup for neck and shoulder pain and tension.


  • Hold your awareness in the present breath of now.
  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to scan your etheric back body, your support grids behind you.
  • Amplify, strengthen, reweave, and repair your back body support grids.
  • Toning and light language activation to help you strengthen your back body grids.
  • Bring your reference points for support into your divine line and into your back body support grids.
  • Feel your grids backing you up and guiding you forward.
May you amplify and strengthen your back body support grids.



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Sit in Your Power - Clean and Strengthen the Base Chakra

Sip on this second cup to double up the support by strengthening your base chakra.

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✨So Perfect, So Powerful,✨ So Needed, So very Grateful! πŸ©΅πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ©΅
Really enjoyed these cups this morning. Thank you Aleya 😊
Powerful and empowering. πŸ™πŸ½
July 26th 2024
Thank you 😊 The first Cup is so beautiful 😍
July 26th 2024
Really benefited from these today, beautiful!
July 26th 2024
July 26th 2024
These two are very powerful for me today. Thank you, Aleya.
July 26th 2024
The first practice is so enlighting. I could see the places in my life where I am looking for support in the future. Such a powerful combination grounding it in with the second cup. So grateful for you my friend
July 26th 2024
Spot on with the hips in the second cup. Moved me right on.
July 26th 2024
While I found both cups to be timely, the second cup fit me like a glove and deeply appreciated. Thank you once again for sharing with us.
July 26th 2024
Beautiful, lovely cup thanks Aleya
July 26th 2024

Use today's cup to connect with your Team and feel more support as you navigate in the world.

Invite your Teams to hold their mastery inside themselves...more.

Encourage them to amplify these harmonic vibrations inside themselves in a way that positively empathically impacts you in a healthy, balanced, supportive way.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you and your body to reference a dimension where you can connect with your Team.
  • You, Soul Rider have a Team. Your body has a Team that are made up of Nature Spirits.
  • Reference that dimension.
  • Invite your Teams to encircle and come close.
  • Invite your Team to ponder their mastery and amplify the vibration of their mastery inside themselves.
  • Chant more, more, more.
  • Witness your Team amplifying their mastery.
  • Hold space for the ripple and reflection.
  • Hold space for an amplification of your own mastery inside you.
  • Recalibrate all of your communication mechanisms.

Increase support by encouraging your Team to amplify their mastery inside themselves.

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When you amplify the vibration of safety inside yourself you will create a safer environment in all areas of your life.

Explore activating and amplifying a stronger current of safety in your core.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Place your hand upon your heart chakra and feel into how you value safety.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to retrieve all of your reference points and responsibility for your safety back to your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to activate and amplify sacred shapes, sounds, and light of safety in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Stand in a waterfall of safety in your loop of light.

Amplify safety in your divine cosmic loop.

Safety inside.

Join me for the master clas this Saturday on How to Do Gridwork in your home, office, travel, and with the planet.

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Thank you Aleya!
July 24th 2024
Good one to save. πŸ™πŸ½
July 24th 2024
Beautiful. Thank you so much for the feedback. I recorded this one yesterday. :) Aleya
July 24th 2024
If I could give this 10 stars I would! Thank you thank you! I put a Metatron cube around me and felt an instant calm and stillness. I am. so gratefulπŸ’ž
July 24th 2024
Truly needed. Thank you.
July 24th 2024

Use today's cup to move into a balanced, connected, and grounded stance.

This Cup can help you move into a centered, connected stance which, then helps you ride the waves with more clarity and ease.

This is a perfect cup to use when mass consciousness gets intense.

This Cup has an extra energetic kick. 

How do you feel during and after this protocol?

  • Reference all of the crystalline structures within and around your crown chakra.
  • Gently clean all of the crystalline structures within and around your crown chakra.
  • Align all of the crystalline structures within and around your crown chakra for your own wisdom, mastery, and divine spark.
  • Gently clean and align all of the crystalline structures within and around your base chakra.
  • Spin your crown and base chakra in a counter-clockwise direction to clean both chakras.
  • Release all grids and fragments that you are holding in your base chakra that are not yours.
  • Spin your base and crown in a clockwise direction.
  • Retrieve all of your resources in the crown and base chakra back on you.
  • Clean, calibrate, and align your crown and base chakra as you embrace a new energy.

Embrace a new journey that has endless possibilities from a place of balance, clarity, and calm.

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This is a wonderful cup. I feel so sweetly loved.
July 23rd 2024
Timely and deeply appreciated. Thank you!
July 23rd 2024
All of the cups are wonderful but this one really landed today. Thanks for all you do!
July 23rd 2024

Use today's cup to connect with the nature spirit deva of your home.

All spaces have an overlighting Nature Spirit deva.

When you acknowledge the Nature Spirit of a space you will feel more supported, connected, and calm.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and your Teams to reference the dimension where you can connect with the Nature Spirit Deva of your home.
  • Invite the Nature Spirit Deva to connect with its essence, value the qualities of its essence more, and to amplify its light more.
  • Invite the Nature Spirit Deva of your home to bring all of its anchors, awareness, and reference points back to its divine line.
  • Invite the Nature Spirit Deva of your home to repair its fields and shields.
  • Invite your Higher Self to open lines of communication and connection between you and the Nature Spirit Deva of your home.
  • Create a sacred space/alter in your home that honors the deva of your home.

Recognize and acknowledge the presence of the Nature Spirit Deva of your home.

How does today's cup feel for you?

I love your feedback.


Master Class on Gridwork this Saturday

Learn How to Do Gridwork

"οΏ½Sip on this little nugget that talks about grids."οΏ½

This coming Saturday, July 27th at 10:00 am Pacific Time I will be teaching a master class on how to do gridwork.

This month and next month are powerful times to make changes in your life.

When you know how to do gridwork in your home, and other spaces support, inspiration, and clarity bloom.

Click Here to Join me for this amazing live Master Class."οΏ½

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Beautiful. Thank you so much for the feedback.
July 22nd 2024
What a wonderful Tool! Thank you so much! I often Feel my Home’s Deva but I thought it was my Body! This makes Sense!
July 22nd 2024
such a beautiful practice. I was concerned my nature spirit was going to say she needed the space to be clearer but she tells me that her purpose is to support creativity, rest, study, and relaxation.
July 22nd 2024
I love my home and I am grateful everyday for all that is within. I was never quite sure who I was thanking but this makes total sense. Much joy and grace, Alex
July 22nd 2024
This cup felt very supportive and full of beauty for me. Thank you.
July 22nd 2024

Use today's cup to hold space for your body to connect with its Team.

Your body has a Team just like you.

Your body's Team is made up of Nature Spirits.

Very similar to animal totems.

When your body feels connected to its Team you will feel more supported and protected.

I have not created many cups that focus on the body's Team.

How does today's cup feel for you?

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite your Body to reference a dimension where it can connect with its Team.
  • Invite your body's team to activate and amplify the vibration of their essence and mastery inside themselves.
  • Amplify your connection with your essence.
  • Repair your fields, reweave your shields, and amplify your essence.
  • Invite your body's Team to open lines of connection and communication with your body.

Invite your body to feel the support of its Team of Nature Spirits.

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Increase Protection Body Team

This second cup is from a coaching session and can help your body use its Team to increase protection.

How does this second cup feel?

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Thank you so much Aleya and Beings of light for these 2 cups this morning, perfect timing. Love and light!πŸ’–
July 19th 2024
Love these! thank you!
July 19th 2024
Love these....both are helpful for my body deva. Love connection with my nature teams!
July 19th 2024
Do you have a class on the topic of protection at a higher level (second cup)? That was very informative and powerful. Thank you.
July 19th 2024
Been waking up in morning recently with an unexplainable sense of uneasiness. This Cup is perfect to help with that. Very comforting. Much appreciated!
July 19th 2024
Love the imagery of being flanked by hundreds of protective beings of love and light.
July 19th 2024

Use today's Cup to get grounded and centered by holding your energetic weight on the lower portion of your divine cosmic loop. 

When you hold your weight in the lower portion of you divine cosmic loop you will feel more balanced and stable. 

This Cup is perfect to use when the energy gets intense with energetic downloads.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Reference your divine spark.
  • Your divine spark creates your divine cosmic loop.
  • Amplify supportive grids in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Identify grounding vibrations and amplify them in the lower portion of your divine cosmic loop.
  • Toning to help you amplify supportive grounding vibrations in the lower portion of your divine cosmic loop.
  • Reference your grounding below you, move slowly in a connected and calm way.

Hold your energetic weight in the lower portion of your divine cosmic loop.

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My grandmother transitioned and as I was heading to see her (she was at a family member’s home) I played this cup. It was what I needed to support the family and myself. Thank you. πŸ™πŸ½
July 19th 2024
How interesting, I could actually feel heaviness transferring from the top of my body right down my loop into the earth. Beautiful toning, my head feels lighter now. Thank you Aleya and Beings of lightπŸ€—πŸ’–
July 18th 2024
beautiful this goes very well with the head healing in the last tall cup Thank you
July 18th 2024
Wow! Love this! What a powerful toning!
July 18th 2024

Whenever we are in an energetically intense time holding space for integration is essential.

Use your energetic self and this sound bath to reference a dimension where you can hold space for integration.

Explore the idea that integration is about digesting and receiving what is supportive while simultaneously releasing what no longer serves.

  • Hold your awareness in this present moment and in your divine line.
  • Hold space for the energetic aspects of you, your body, and Teams to reference a dimension where you can allow for integration.
  • Tones to assist you in integrating, assimilating, and releasing in a gentle way.
  • Hold space as you move in the day, sleep, dream, and play for integration in appropriate dimensions.

Hold space for integration as you receive big energetic downloads.

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My GO TO... Deep Graditude Aleya and Company ❀️❀️❀️❀️
July 24th 2024
Empowering and heart healing. ❀️
July 19th 2024
Relaxing 😎😎😎
Thank YOU
July 17th 2024
Oh! wow, this is such a beautiful cup, as I listen to the meditation, I felt and saw calm ocean water 🐬 shimmering with rippling sunny golden light within all of my body and felt the saline water flowing in my veins. Very soothing. Thank you !πŸ₯°
July 17th 2024
Thank you so much for the reminder!!
July 17th 2024
Will keep this one in rotation regularly as it’s so supportive and beautiful! Thank you! πŸ’–
July 17th 2024
Love starting the day with your meditation πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ!
July 17th 2024
The tones in this one felt like a home I have only the vaguest memories of. Deeply moving. Thank you!
July 17th 2024
Beautiful and relaxing and deep thank you
July 17th 2024
Lisa C.
This is so beautiful! And worked exactly as intended, heavy on the release! I literally want this playing in the background of my life. It sounds like Heaven. Thank you Aleya!
July 17th 2024
Oh this is beautiful and feels amazing !!
July 17th 2024
thank you this is beautiful such deep cleansing revealed.
July 17th 2024
Beautiful Thank you!
July 17th 2024

Use this powerful Cup to help your body retrieve its power, and increase the inner power quotient for greater health, empowerment, and transformation.  


  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite your body to hold its awareness in its divine line.
  • Invite your body to reference all of its power that it is holding outside itself.
  • Invite your body to retrieve all of its power. 
  • To clean it, re-calibrate it, and equally distribute its power in its own divine cosmic loop.
  • Light language activation to help your body retrieve its power.
May your body retrieve its power and hold its power on itself as it moves in the day.
How does this Cup feel for you?




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Thank you so helpful
July 18th 2024
Love this! Thank you!
July 16th 2024
Powerful πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
July 16th 2024
Peace πŸ•ŠοΈ Love ❀️ holding with grace, compassion, humility, kindness, gratitude, discernment, and ease.

These words and their frequencies flowed around and on me..πŸ™πŸ½βœ¨beautiful
July 16th 2024
This is such a beautiful enlighting practice. Taking time to slow down today and allow my body to retrieve her power when I sense her sending messages to do so. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend
July 16th 2024
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Thank you so much Aleya!❀️
July 16th 2024
Wonderful. Thank you for the feedback.
July 15th 2024
It felt very stabilizing and settling thank you Aleya β™₯️
July 15th 2024
Thank you! That was beautiful. My root chakra feels expanded and more connected to Mother Earth. 🌟
July 15th 2024
β€οΈπŸ™πŸ½ I feel my roots stronger and wider.
July 15th 2024
Aleya's Rating:
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Love this, thank you.
July 17th 2024
Much needed, thank you Aleya...
July 13th 2024
Thank you! yes, I actually feel my spine more "strait" and more focus, more awake. The air, colours and my sense of smell are more sharp now.
Have a great weekend Aleya!πŸ¬πŸ‹.πŸ€—
July 12th 2024
I felt my imagination sparking and smiling during this Cup! So many ways to be creative in my daily life πŸ’œ.
July 12th 2024
Wonderful. Thank you so much for your feedback. πŸ™πŸ»
July 12th 2024
Beautiful alignment. Thank you.
July 12th 2024
Thanks my energy has been slow and sleepy. Body issues. Looking forward to this ripple into my creativity. Yes to reigniting the creative flame!
July 12th 2024
Perfect timing thank you. The more I work with the tall cups the more I come into alignment with the timing of these daily cups. So grateful for you and the work that you do. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend β€πŸ˜‡ much love to you
July 12th 2024
Thank you for another strong, energetic thread being added to my fabric at just the right time.
July 12th 2024

Today the energy is all about finding clarity.

Use today's potent Cup helps to release any confusion and disorientation on your path.

Your vibration is increasing.

You are moving into a more harmonic vibration.

As you shift your energy your energetic path shifts as well.

If you orient for clarity horizontally on the path in front of you, you will go into disorientation when your vibration changes.

When you orient vertically you will find clarity and calm as you ascend.

Explore the idea that your journey is now vertical as opposed to "forward."

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Reference how some part of you is in a vibrational shift/leap.
  • Reference all of your orientation points that you are holding horizontally.
  • Lift all of your orientation points off of your horizontal map and onto your vertical grids that flow within and around your divine cosmic loop.
  • Toning and light language to help you hold your orientation points vertically.
  • Feel your flow and direction in your divine cosmic loop.

Clarity comes when you reference your journey internally and vertically.

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Increase Inner Clarity in Divine Line and in a Higher Realm

Sip on this second cup for a double dose of clarity.

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Felt a shift... Thank YOU
July 11th 2024
So lovely! It is so nice to remember to always calibrate vertically from our Divine Line.
Have a wonderful day Aleya. πŸ€—πŸ₯°
July 11th 2024
I love both of these. Good direction to stay aware of minute by minute.
July 11th 2024

Today the energy is all about...

Getting your head clear. :)

Use today's cup to clean all the crystalline structures around your head.

You may be feeling strange sensations, tingling, or pressure around your head for the last few days.

The crystalline structures around your head are getting a vibrational adjustment.

Today's cup is a sound bath and an energetic protocol to help you clear your head by cleaning and aligning all of the crystalline structures around your head.

This is a perfect cup to clear headaches and find clarity.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Reference all of the crystalline structures within and around your head.
  • Use your energetic fields to clean, balance, and align all of the crystalline structures around your head.
  • Tones and light language to clean, balance, and align all of the crystalline structures around your head.
  • Hold space as the energetic aspect of you and your body clean and all the crystalline structures.

Clear your head by cleaning, balancing, and aligning all of the crystalline structures around your head.

How does today's cup feel for you?

Do you feel any shifts?

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So funny I have to share …! I didn’t do this cup until this morning (July11), and I was amazed because last night I could feel shifts going on in my head area. As I was being drawn to that area, I wondered what was going on, until I opened up yesterdays Cup and saw that it was all about cleaning, clearing and aligning The crystalline structures around the head!! Thank you for β€œclearing that up!” πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ’œπŸ‘
July 11th 2024
Perfect timing with this. Very helpful. Thank you.
July 10th 2024
Wow! I will need to listen again, I feel like I am stepping on a "higher floor", it's like I am letting go of something big that's been holding me back. I have been having pain on the left back side of my neck which is radiating from my shoulder all the way to my ears as well. This pain started to release at some energetic level while listening to the cup, I mean, I don't even remember what was said in it lol! All I saw in my mind's eye was a lady healer taking a huge, enormous hook out of my left shoulder/neck .
Thank you Aleya ! Can't wait to see I will feel in the next coming days :)
July 10th 2024
Thank YOU
July 10th 2024
Such perfect timing I was actually doing this a good part of yesterday. So grateful. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend β€πŸ˜‡ much love to you
July 10th 2024

This Cup is incredibly powerful. 

Strap in... enjoy :)

Today the energy is all about increasing dimensional support.

Use today's cup to gather your Spiritual ancestors of love and light around you.

As I recorded this Cup a huge sense of support was invoked during the toning and light language portion.   

Use it to connect with your spiritual ancestors who hold profound wisdom and connection. 

Invite them to encircle you and model supportive energies to you.


  • Invite your Higher Self to reference the realm where your spiritual ancestors are expressing themselves.
  • Invite your spiritual ancestors to encircle you.
  • Invite your spiritual ancestors to model supportive energies inside themselves.
  • Invite them to remind you of your own wisdom and how much you are loved.
  • Light language and toning to assist you in connecting and receiving from your spiritual ancestors.
May you feel your spiritual ancestors encircle you and model supportive energies. 
How does today's cup feel for you?



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Beautiful, very soothing .Feeling calm and relaxed, thank you.
July 9th 2024
Thank YOU
July 9th 2024
Love this! thank you!
July 9th 2024
Beautiful and soothing thank you Aleya! Have a lovely day πŸ’•
July 9th 2024
Astarah Rose
Beautiful and powerful!
July 9th 2024
Wow! My divine line awaken in new vibrations! Thank you
July 9th 2024
Beautiful thank you. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend β€πŸ˜‡ much love to you
July 9th 2024

Today the energy supports...

A recalibration of your grids.

What to do...

Re-do or create an altar that supports your intentions and connections.

What you may feel...

A desire to clean and reorganize and get ready for greater productivity and flow.

Use today's double shot to recalibrate your roadmap grids.

As we enter into the Sirian Gateway you can adjust the direction of your path.

Sip on today's fresh cup (recorded yesterday) to recalibrate and infuse your roadmap with supportive vibrations.

This is a perfect cup to help you find clarity and inspiration.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite your energetic self to reference all of the dimensions where you hold the grids of your roadmap.
  • Ponder qualities you can infuse into your energetic roadmap.
  • Recalibrate your roadmap for greater support, bounty, service, joy, motivation, inspiration, and empowerment.
  • Silently or out loud chant, "Recalibrate my vibrational roadmap."
  • Hold space for your energetic self to recalibrate, reweave, and infuse supportive qualities into the grids of your vibrational roadmap.

Recalibrate your roadmap with more supportive vibrations.

How does today's cups feel for you?

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Reset Your Grids with the Whale Song

Sip on this second sound bath cup to clean and recalibrate your grids.

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Comments & Discussion

So relaxing... Much appreciated πŸ‘
July 9th 2024
πŸ™πŸ½so needed. Holding space for my grandmother who is transitioning. This is a gift. Thank you.
July 9th 2024
Both cups beautifully dovetailed into our recent vibrational alignment and appropriate vibration in our Divine cosmic root that supports our greatest happiness. Do we dare to ask for more? Thank you Aleya and the Angelic Realm.
July 8th 2024
How does today's cup feel for you? Any shifts?
July 8th 2024

Happy New Moon!

I am sending this cup out one more time to those that did not get today's cup.

Our apologies for this second cup if you already got one.

We are fixing a little glitch on our end with the delivery of the cups. Thank you for your patience.

Today use the energy to set your new Moon intentions, start a new healthy habit, and embrace a fresh new current.

Use today's cup and second sip (energetic update) to align yourself for the appropriate energetic direction and vibration.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Close your eyes, place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and gaze at your crown.
  • Place your hands upon your heart chakra.
  • Do an inner assessment of your body and fields.
  • As you bring awareness to your physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of yourself ponder a direction and vibration that can support you in your journey at this time.
  • Discern the appropriate direction and vibration that you can hold within you.
  • Silently or out loud chant, "Aligning to an appropriate direction and vibration."
  • Light language chant to assist you in aligning to an appropriate direction and vibration that supports your greatest happiness.

Use the energy of the new Moon to align to an appropriate direction and vibration.

How does today's cup feel for you?

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Energetic Update... About the New Moon and Lions Gate

Sip on this second 2 min. clip that is an energetic update and explanation of today's first cup.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you AleyaπŸ’•
July 6th 2024
Thank you πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ½πŸ–€βœ¨
July 5th 2024
Thank you so much for the mantra as it deeply resonated with me,
July 5th 2024

Today is the last day of this lunar cycle.

Use the energy today to clean out, release, let go, declutter, rest, empty out.

The last day of the lunar cycle can trigger a big release.

Flow into it consciously with today's Cup.

Use this gentle Cup to allow for a deep, conscious release. Let go of all old grids, beliefs, lenses, and bundles that are not supportive.

When you allow for a conscious release the process is quick and easy, as opposed to an unconscious release which can trigger or heighten anxiety, irritability, and confusion. 

  • Hold your awareness in this present breath.
  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the energetic aspect of you, your body, and Teams to reference all grids, beliefs, lenses, and bundles that are not supportive.
  • Spin the fields in a counterclockwise direction to release all grids, beliefs, lenses, and bundles that are not supportive.
  • Tones to assist the release.
  • Spin fields in a clockwise direction to balance and align.
  • Hold a compassionate space with others as they release and may not be aware.

May you consciously release on the last day of this lunar cycle.


We had a glitch yesterday that we are working on fixing, thus the multiple emails of yesterday's cup.

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Amplify Freedom and Connection in Another Realm

Sip on this second cup to honor the 4th of July (inner freedom day.)

Amplify your inner freedom and create a ripple of inner freedom in the world.

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Comments & Discussion

These were so perfect! Thank you so much πŸ™πŸ»βœ¨πŸ©΅
July 4th 2024
too many layers in the second cup, ihere are some valuable pieces that I would like to focus on but get distracted with so many things going on at the same time.
July 4th 2024
The protocols in both the meditations were also Beautiful thank you
July 4th 2024
Beautiful πŸ€©πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽ‰!
Sounds, music, singing 🎢 β€οΈπŸ™
July 4th 2024
Beautiful thank you. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend β€πŸ˜‡ much love to you
July 4th 2024
Wow* powerfully moved stuff in my energies fields... widened a sweet vibration in my 3rd eye, and feel lighter & clearer*
2nd absolutely loved, was opened & lifted by sounding, song, harmonies & am feel ing supportive shifting*
Super grateful πŸ™ πŸ’–
July 4th 2024
Loved both Thank you!
July 4th 2024

Use today's cup to move into greater alignment.

When you the Soul that is riding in the body hold your energy in your own energetic fields your body increases its capacity to control its own energetic fields.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Reference any energy that you, the Soul are infusing into your body's energetic fields.
  • Pull all of your energy out of your body's energy fields into your own energetic fields.
  • Encourage your body to radiate its energy into its energetic fields.
  • Light language chant to help you pull your energy into your energy fields and out of your body's energy fields.
  • Hold space for you the Soul to use your energy fields to pull and hold your energy in your own energetic fields.
  • Run your energy in your own divine cosmic loop.

Pull and hold all of your energy in your own energetic fields.

How does today's cup feel?

Do you sense a shift?

When you do this process your fields might feel lighter.

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Beautiful app. I noticed the date says 7/6. Thank you for the cup today. I feel exhausted. But clean. πŸ˜†
July 3rd 2024
Thank you so much for all your feedback. And...We have a glitch that we are working on fixing. The daily cup went out multiple times this morning. Thank you for your patience. Aleya
July 3rd 2024
Lovely and soothingπŸ’ž
Thank you
July 3rd 2024
Thank you such perfect timing. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend β€πŸ˜‡ much love to you
July 3rd 2024
Beautiful thank you!
July 3rd 2024

Today the energy is all about listening to connected vibrations.

Listen to what is positive and empowering.

Clean and align your ears so that you can hear the angelic realm with today's Cup. 

There is a lot of energetic information streaming onto the planet right now.

We are entering into the Sirian Gateway.

Today's Cup can help you open your ears so that you can hear your angel people on the other side.

It is a simple, gentle invitation to help you hold more of your awareness around your ears as you move in the day, sleep, dream, and play.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the higher self of you, your body, and your Teams to reference your energetic listening mechanisms.
  • Clean, repair, recalibrate, and realign all energetic listening mechanisms.
  • Align your ears to a harmonic realm where you can receive energetic information in a supportive and empowering way.
  • Light language to help your ears align to your own inner wisdom and the angelic guidance in the higher realms.
  • Calibrate your ears to a harmonic realm, your wisdom, and the guidance in the higher realms.

Align your ears to your own inner wisdom and to the wisdom from the guides in the angelic realm.

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Rejuvenating is the word that comes up for me. πŸ™πŸ½
July 3rd 2024
Thank you Aleya!! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•πŸŒΊ
July 2nd 2024
Beautiful meditation through which I shifted into such a lovely inspiring vibration ! ! thank you Aleya
July 2nd 2024
Beautiful words to travel through life with. ❣️
July 2nd 2024
Beautiful practice thank you. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend β€πŸ˜‡ much love to you
July 2nd 2024

Today the energy is all about finding balance.

Use today's gentle Cup to find balance in your divine cosmic loop. 

When you are in balance in your divine line clarity, calm, connection, and holding a grounded stance are possible.  

This is the perfect Cup to help your body get centered, grounded, and calm.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite your Higher Self to reference your divine spark in the heart of Source.
  • Reference your divine cosmic loop.
  • Retrieve all of your energy off of everyone and everything and to hold your energy in your own divine cosmic loop.
  • Light language and toning to help you create a balanced strong flow in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Balance the energy and flow in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Invite your body deva to balance the flow of energy in its' divine cosmic loop.
  • Invite your body to balance its' etheric form.
  • Open lines of communication between your divine line and your body's divine line.

May you hold a balanced stance as you move in the world.

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Comments & Discussion

Loved and Perfect Thank YOU
July 1st 2024
I love this meditation. I was able to really feel the difference between body and etheric body!!
July 1st 2024
Happy July 1st! Balance, realign, center, and call back are good themes for the month. Thank you. (I also like the image)
July 1st 2024
Thank you Aleya :)
July 1st 2024
Beautiful. Thank you
July 1st 2024
Beautiful. Thank you
July 1st 2024
Beautiful thank you πŸ™πŸ»
July 1st 2024
So gentle and beautiful. Especially appreciate the strengthening communication between higher self and body deva. With gratitude,
July 1st 2024

Use today's fresh cup (recorded a day ago) to move into a deeper state of connection.

When you reference a safe space where you can reconnect with your essence you increase inner stability and calm.

Use another realm that is perhaps a Nature realm or a realm in another world to be supported and connect in a sacred and safe way.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the energetic aspect of you, Soul rider to reference a dimension where you can sit in a safe and sacred space.
  • Witness yourself in that safe and sacred space.
  • Light language and toning to assist you in energetically referencing that safe and sacred space.
  • Awaken to yourself in that safe and sacred space.
  • Gather your resources, and wisdom, repair and reweave your fields and shields.
  • Connect with your Spiritual Family, Teachers, and Guides from your world.

Reconnect in a safe and sacred space in another realm that supports you and ripple that to you here.


On the Aleya front...

I am in Mystic, Connecticut today teaching an in-person class.

If you are on the East Coast I am waving. :)


Listen to my most recent Podcast, a great interview about using the vibration of light to heal the body in a powerful way.

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Comments & Discussion

I love this meditation. Thank you!!
June 29th 2024
This cup very beautiful and so perfect for me today !! I am waving back :)
June 28th 2024
So Supportive and healing! A beautiful practice and stance to hold. I so appreciate being home to reflect here. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’—
June 28th 2024
Wonderful. Felt expansive and promising.
June 28th 2024
How does today’s cup feel for you?
June 28th 2024

Find your flow.

Use today's energetic weather and Cup to come into right timing, rhythm, and flow.

When your timing is in balance you will feel calmer, clearer, more connected, and grounded.
This Cup is perfect to use anytime you feel discordant or "off" in your rhythm and flow.

The second Cup is from an Empowered Empath session.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to reference the heart of Earth, the Sun, and the Moon.
  • Calibrate your fields for the rhythm, timing, flow, and the season.
  • Balance the electrical and magnetic energy.
  • Expand your roots.
  • Hold your anchors in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Reference any discordant dimensions that you might be holding your energy in.
  • Pull all your energy out of all discordant dimensions.
  • Hold your energy in a dimensional layer that is balanced, clean, and clear.
  • Perceive from a place of connection.
  • Weave a vibrational fabric around you that holds your gifts, wisdom, and mastery.

Hold your awareness in a harmonic dimension and move into right timing, rhythm, and flow.

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Tipping Point Into The Light

This second Cup addresses a slightly similar aspect about holding your awareness in a harmonic realm and releasing old patterns.

This is from one of the Saturday Empathic coaching sessions.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you Aleya so much!! This second meditation summed up soooo many aspects and is so powerful and empowering!! I remain in AWE of you and what you bring us!!
June 27th 2024
β€οΈβœ¨πŸ™πŸ½ powerful second meditation. Thank you for adding this to today’s cup.
June 27th 2024
Thank you so much! I especially love the second one πŸ™πŸ½πŸ–€βœ¨
June 27th 2024
Thank you so much, Aleya. Such powerful mediations. I've been waiting, as patiently as possible😊, for this beautiful tipping point. I'm so grateful .β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜‡πŸ₯°
June 27th 2024
Thanks πŸ‘β™₯οΈπŸ™
June 27th 2024
Wonderful thank you for your feedback πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•
June 27th 2024
So grateful for these powerful practices. I was listening to the tall cup last night and I realized that once I pull my anchors back I still need to have a reference point outside of myself. To return to. This needs to be a new pattern. Such a wonderful synchronicity. Thank you. I hope you have an amazing angel blessed day my friend β€πŸ˜‡ much love to you
June 27th 2024
WOW! Yes, intense and powerful beyond words!
June 27th 2024
June 27th 2024

Today the energy is all about grounding into an empowering stream.

Use this fresh cup (recorded yesterday, and inspired by the TALL Cup on Monday) to ground into an empowering vibration that flows in your divine line.

When you connect with an empowering vibration that is an aspect of your essence you move into greater empowerment and inner support.

Use the wave of energy that is coming onto the planet to move more deeply into your divine line.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Reference an empowering vibration that flows in your divine line.
  • Toning to help you reference that empowering vibration.
  • Invite your body to feel a vibration that flows in its divine line that feels empowering.
  • Silently or out loud chant, "grounding into an empowering vibration in my divine line."
  • Hold space to ground into that empowering current.
  • Embrace that vibration more deeply.
  • Increase inner resilience, empowerment, and discernment.

Ground into an empowering vibration that flows in your divine line.

Join me for live coaching this morning at 10am or at 5pm for greater support and clarity in this time.

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June 27th 2024
Much needed... Thank YOU πŸ™
June 26th 2024
Thank you for adding the word humility.
June 26th 2024

Your sense of identity may be shifting.

Use today's Cup to release any disorientation as you reference your identity and sense of self in direct connection with the light of your essence.

As your light within grows stronger, your sense of identity shifts.

This is a perfect Cup if you are feeling lost and are not sure who you are anymore or what you want.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Perceive or imagine a current of light that flows vertically within you.
  • Reference all of the vibrations within this inner current.
  • Light language to help you reference your inner light.
  • Your divine line carries the current of your essence.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to lift all of your reference points for your identity off of everyone and everything and back to your divine cosmic loop.
  • Invoke a sacred shape that reflects your essence around you.
  • Feel how you are a divine beam of light and divine spark.

Each day be curious of how your light reflects itself in multiple dimensions.

Just in case you are feeling the need for more clarity or energetic support, join me this week in my happy safe zoom room.

I am doing the Thursday morning coaching session on Wednesday this week at 10am as well as Wednesday night coaching at 5pm.

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Thank you. Soothing, especially after the deep work yesterday in the Tall cups. πŸ™πŸ½
June 25th 2024
Wonderful Aleya thank you πŸ™πŸ»
June 25th 2024

The other day I was tuning into the energy that is streaming onto the planet at this time and I felt a gentle crystalline stream of light pulsing.

As I tuned in more deeply I asked,  "How can this light can assist?"

I then saw this gentle pulse pushing us more deeply into our divine lines.

The second cup is from Saturday's coaching session and talks more about the energy right now.

I will speak about this more in tonight's TALL Cup session.

Join me if you feel the need for an energetic update and a release of the inner grip, fear, or tension.

Click here to join me.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Reference this light that is streaming onto the planet that can pulse you/push you into your divine cosmic loop.
  • Embrace this wave of light.
  • Consciously and energetically pull yourself into your divine line.
  • Pull all of your anchors, control, and responsibility back to your divine cosmic loop.
  • Retrieve your attachment, control, and anchors.
  • Embrace the wave in. Into your line.
  • Feel a vibrational stream of support in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Invite your Teams to do the same and to feel that support around you.
  • Amplify the light in your divine cosmic loop.

Use the energy streaming onto the planet to push yourself into your divine cosmic loop.

How do today's cups feel?

I love your feedback.

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Energetic Update... Wave Pulsing You Into Your Divine Line

Sip on this second cup to help you orient to the energetic weather and use it to increase your connection and clear the stress and fear.

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Comments & Discussion

June 25th 2024
Wonderful. Thank you so much for your feedback. Aleya
June 24th 2024
Thank you Aleya
June 24th 2024
Enjoyed the change in background music as well as the message.
June 24th 2024
SO beautiful! Such a calming yet invigorating experience ❣️ Thank you πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ
June 24th 2024
I felt the waves throughout my body. Extremely supportive during this time. πŸ™πŸ½
June 24th 2024
Very supportive mantra to hold. Loved both protocols πŸ’œπŸ’ž. Looking forward to tonight’s Tall Cup. In gratitude πŸ™ and joy.
June 24th 2024
Thank you so much, Aleya.❀️ such powerful and supportive meditations. I am so grateful to you and for you!
June 24th 2024