Do a deep reboot into stillness and calm with this Cup.
The world is a bit "spinny" right now.
This can make your body feel funky.
This Cup is a mini recovery session. :)
This is a powerful and perfect Cup to help your body heal after a trauma, flu, sickness, or general wonkiness.
- Hold your awareness in your divine line.
- Invite your body deva to reference its base chakra, magnetics, roots, and legs.
- Expand your roots and base.
- Send your roots into the heart of Earth.
- Invite your body to connect with the appropriate dimension that can help your body heal, ground, balance, and stabilize.
- Balance the cranio-sacral fluid.
- Balance the electrical and magnetic energy in the divine cosmic loops for you, your body, and Teams.
- Balance and align all of the crystalline structures around the crown.
- Soul rider snuggle up on the front of the spine.
- Activate a current of clarity and calm in the divine line.
- Open lines of communication between your divine line and your body's divine line.
Move into a calm, clear, centered way of being.
How does this Cup feel for you?
I love your feedback.
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