Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

170. Play, Passion, Integration TALL Cup 03-01-21 [03/01/2021]

This session covers..

  • Multiple currents of white light are flowing onto the planet. We want to be open to receive this light. Heal those closed receptors that are jammed. Previous life experiences have created trauma. Bring in greater safety grids to heal past trauma. Amplify the current of safety in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Repair, balance, heal and align your receptors to receive your own light.
  • We link our identities with our past struggles and other external circumstances. Puts you in self-doubt and fear.
  • Hold your identity in your own divine cosmic loop. I am a divine being of light riding in a nature spirit body of this world. Reference yourself vertically rather than horizontally.
  • Soul rider remember your grids of joy and play that you have cultivated and hold on the other side. Reweave that way of holding joy around you in your energetic fields here and now. 
  • Body Deva reference your energetic way of being in a state of joy that balances your water and fire elements within you. Retrieve your joy nuggets and grids for play. Recalibrate and re-imbed these in your own energetic fields.
  • Repair the crystalline structures around the kidneys and back of the heart.
  • Expand your magnetics and roots for a more grounded and centered way of being.
  • Use your higher selves to reference energetic bundles that you have not fully integrated from any lifetime. Profoundly integrate every bundle. 
  • Play is important for the body. Nature spirits know how to play. Soul riders ask the body to model play. Body Deva reference the dimension where you can fully play.
  • Soul rider take full responsibility for being in your own way of play in the appropriate dimensions.
  • Body Deva play daily in the dimensions where you can fully be in your greatest state of joy.
  • The body models a constant state of receiving and playing. 
  • Reference your growth energy setting for change and evolution. Allow the 80% that don’t want change to be the way they are. Release attachment to mass consciousness. Be in your own state of growth in your own unique way. Model this to the masses. Return all empathic sensations of disconnection, lonely, empty, fearful. 

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 12 to 17 layers, which means you can listen 12 to 17 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

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