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182. Moon Song Bath TALL Cup [11/08/2021]

Moon Song Bath TALL Cup

Powerful deep cleansing!!!

TALL Cups of Consciousness Bullets


  • Self-love balloon coming from the Moon. Subconscious ways of being with the self is being triggered.
  • Reference the energy coming from the Moon. Soothing, supportive energy. Bring in the moon light and use it to clean the back of your chakras.
  • Move the back of the chakras into a self-love vibration. Back of the third eye is how we perceive self.
  • Use Moon energy to clean and clear the back of the ears of all self-doubt.
  • Reference responsibilities you are holding for loving others. Release negative feelings from holding responsibilities for loving others. Return responsibility back to right and perfect place along with appropriate information.
  • Clear empathic sensations off the back of your chakras.
  • Use moon light to clean the back of the liver from annoyance and frustration from responsibilities for loving others.
  • Retrieve all responsibilities for loving self back to your heart chakra.
  • The world, family, friends are so loud. Energy of the moon can help you relax the grip.
  • Retrieve your anchor points for the soft, gentle, soothing, calm, and hold in the appropriate portion of your divine cosmic loop.
  • Invite etheric beings of love and light  that listen to you to amplify one supportive quality within and around this planet, or galactically.
  • Reference the dimension where you are feeling your spiritual family. Take the next 6 weeks to be remembered there. Witness your essence. Come closer to you. Deeply connect with you as you connect with yourself.

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 15 layers, which means you can listen 15 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.


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