Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

187. Etheric Magnetic Recalibration TALL Cup [02/21/2022]

Etheric Magnetic Recalibration TALL Cup

This was a very advanced session with lots of layers and precision.

Realignment, Clarity, Support,. Direction

February 21, 2022

This session covers..


  • Reference the higher dimension where you are expressing yourself now. Calibrate your base chakra for a higher vibration.
  • Body deva align to your magnetic north.
  • Reference your light strands, your spark in the heart of source where you are expressing yourself from.
  • Select frequencies that bring your stream into harmony and alignment with your essence and emit them down the line.
  • Harmonize soul rider and body deva lines. Brings DNA into a stronger field.
  • Activate unique crystalline structures to create new DNA threads.
  • Clean the back of your eyes using the light of your essence and your body deva’s essence
  • Receive guidance from higher dimensional realms
  • Bring your listening mechanisms out of discordant dimensions. Reference the higher realm.
  • Increased light destabilizes the microbial balance, affects our moods.
  • Vibrations of microbes create emotional grids for the body. Body deva amplify a harmonic sound in your divine cosmic loop of your essence to the microbes. Microbes move into harmonic vibrations to hold the consciousness of connection.
  • Reference loved ones on the other side. Retrieve any fragments they may be holding that may be yours. Reweave fragments back into your divine cosmic loop. Return their fragments.


This session is supportive, empowering, and has 17 layers, which means you can listen17  times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

Allow for integration in dream time.

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