Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

189. The How To TALL Cups [04/10/2022]

In this session we covered the following.

The How To TALL Cup

How To TALL Cups Bullet Points


We are receiving a stream of light that has a joy vibration and a light vibration. That shift caused a lot of disharmonic energies to lift off the planet. You may be tuned into that.

Reference the part of you focused on energies that are clearing off the planet at this time. Shift your perspective to reference the joy, vitality and light vibrations coming onto the planet.

I watch the energy coming onto the planet and embody more of this in every breath.

What you perceive is what you receive and embody.

Ripple and reflect the energies in higher dimensions down to you here.

Belief: It Won’t Work For Me

Lack of self-worth leads to struggle and not believing in yourself.

Reference how you believe in others and have placed your grids on them                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Hold your control inside yourself on your divine line.

Reference the dimension where you are helping. Bring your grids and desires back to your divine line. Attach to being controlled by your grids. Hold your control nuggets in your own divine line. Only control yourself.

Retrieve your reference points for safety back to your own divine line. Vertically and internally.

When an emotional reaction comes up:

Be aware of the emotion

What is being asked for?

What are you afraid of losing?

Invite your higher self to retrieve responsibility for this. Hold the energy in your divine line. Reflect on this way of being to all dimensions of self

Activate and amplify the quality you are yearning for


Use dream time to clean up messes. Don’t insist on knowing how it will get done.

Explore how to be compassionate and neutral when in the presence of others in negative states or with different beliefs. Remember yourself in that place of suffering in that way. Have compassion for yourself then. Feel your heart softening to your own self in the past. Hold a soft heart for people in your life who are suffering now. Lift all attachment off that person to end their suffering. Return responsibility you may be holding for them back to them where they can handle it.

Your body controls your immune system. Very complex linkages. Body reference the immune system in the etheric field. Balance the electrical and magnetic energies in the etheric field. Heal the crystalline structures in the etheric immune system.


This session is all about the HOW TO do particular energetic process to help you move into greater connection, clarity, and calm.

You can use each individual audio file that has a different protocol to help you cultivate a strong energetic muscle memory.

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Comments & Discussion

Fabulous session lots of practical tools ! Very relevant to the day to day energies.
April 11th 2022
Great session full of proactive and productive energetic gems that sparkled up my night/early morning (3am) in Southern Hemisphere. Well worth getting out of bed for the live vibes and being in the present moment with everyone.
April 10th 2022