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190. Energetic Detox TALL Cup [04/25/2022]

190. Energetic Detox TALL Cup


This session covers...

Stages of Detox

  1. Open channels to release
  2. Identify what need to release
  3. Allow for an opening to let go
  4. Create a current for the release
  5. Recalibrate after the release
  6. Allow for a filling of harmonic energies

  1. Create an energetic container for the detox.
  2. Redirect energy internally.
  3. Open channels to release

3 Primary energy centers detoxing - third eye, solar plexus, and 2nd chakra

What is your primary irritant  - Then… If that changes you will have____, You are using the irritation to change your vibration which changes your consciousness and creates a different reality.

Create stability in a harmonic grid  - then move energy into that harmonic grid and amplify harmonic vibration in divine line.

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Comments & Discussion

A wonderfully wise, gentle and very powerful tall cup. Such a delightful blend of tonal frequencies and protocols that continue hours later to reveal, resonate and fortify on so many levels and layers. Loved it.
April 26th 2022