Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

201. Master Galactic Codes Activation TALL Cup [12/12/2022]

December 12, 2022

The guides rated this session at a 10. :)

Very powerful alignment.

This session covers..


  • 12/12 is an energetic alignment that allows us to release discordant ways of being and move into alignment.
  • Discordance is falling away. We may fear loss due to release. Constriction may influence you to hold on to dissonance.
  • Use the next 10 days to release, culminating on 12/21.
  • Energetic aspects of you are reconstructing your energetic field. That leaves less bandwidth to function here: creates various symptoms.
  • Protocol to move into more harmonic dimensions.
  • Identify discordant vibrations that you are releasing with energetic codes.
  • Allow your guides and teams to support you in your release.
  • Consciously choose to release all that no longer serves you.
  • There are some galactic codes that are disturbing our energy centers.
  • Use this protocol to balance your destabilized energy centers and then reweave the energy center at a vibrational level with these galactic codes.
  • Harmonize the energy in your divine cosmic loops on every level.
  • When the body and the soul are present you can perceive the connection to every aspect of existence. The body will use discordant actions to cultivate a connection with the fabric of oneness.
  • Use the figure 8 energy in the second chakra to connect to presence/present moment.
  • You are a galactic being. This is a powerful time to awaken that galactic self.
  • Reference a dimension where the beings from your world are encircling you. Bring in a vibrational fabric that can help you awaken to your true galactic self.
  • Allow yourself to remember a deeper, wider aspect of you in that appropriate dimension. Repair your energetic receptors so you can receive your own light.
  • Use your present moment awareness to own your space and fill your bubble with the light of your essence.
  • Reference creative energy that you are streaming out onto others. Retrieve your creative energy and swirl it around you in a clockwise direction. Use it to reweave your energetic fabric for shields and resources.

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 11 layers, which means you can listen 11 times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

Allow for integration in dream time.

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Average Rating: (4 Votes)

Comments & Discussion

Thank you Aleya, this was an amazing Tall Cup :). They all are amazing. I used the Box link and had no problems.
December 15th 2022
Amazing tall cups!!! Thank you so much Aleya!!! Just got to listen to it so for me it was fine and didn't freeze but it's 2 days later so I don't know it might have been solved since..much love πŸ’–
December 14th 2022
This is also my experience
December 13th 2022
When i click link, it give me an error saying " shared file or folder has been removed"
December 13th 2022
Yes for some reason it’s freezing
December 13th 2022
I can never listen to a whole tall cups session, they always freeze up mid way no matter what I try! 😭😒
December 13th 2022