Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

207. Flowers and Fairy Magic TALL Cup [04/17/2023]

This session covers...

  • There is a great deal of disorientation for us currently. 
  • Calibrate eyes, ears, heart, kidneys, and perception mechanisms for a harmonic dimension you are moving into as you release discordant vibrations. 
  • Activate a grid of connection, flow, and awareness of the divine in that dimension.
  • Actualize a more connected fabric, expanding magnetics, expanding your grids.
  • When you perceive more harmonic dimensions you perceive differently. Balance the body for this new level of harmonic perception. 
  • Our hearts have been yearning lately, which recalibrates the fields.
  • Align the vibration of your heart to a supportive direction. Fairies, wind, flower energy.
  • Connect with the magical beings that are appropriate for you.
  • Receive a unique chakra alignment from the fairies.

This is a big energetic session and you might feel very altered during and after the session.

This session is supportive, and empowering, and has 18 layers, which means you can listen times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of yourself will receive a different layer, shift, and healing.

Allow for integration in dream time.

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Comments & Discussion

This was a beautiful, magical tall cup thank you Aleya! The solar plexus chakra has been coming up quite a bit lately and I love it as that's been my weakest one, and I've been really trying to strengthen it lately. A major topic has been confidence, which I've been improving but yesterday it took a hit, which felt like a set back. So seeing that as an part of an old, false self-construct/discordant energy that's ready to be shed helped shift that view a bit. And the session felt somewhat very containing which helped with that shakiness as well. I also really liked that focus on living from passion, widom and mastery. So again thank you and much love to you 💖 Isabel
April 18th 2023