Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

208. Inner Core Reset TALL Cup [05/08/2023]

TALL Cups Bullets

May 8, 2023

This session is one for the textbooks. lol :)

Incredibly powerful.

Strap in.

  • Our hearts are being recalibrated. It affects how you anchor yourself in your divine line. 
  • We anchor our hearts where our parents anchor. Release the anchors that belong to parents and ancestors.
  • Find your power center and anchor there.
  • Fear results when you anchor in a center that isn’t right for you.
  • You are a galactic being. Your power center can be in any dimension. 
  • If you have pain in an area, you may have located your power center in that area, but it doesn’t belong there. When you relocate your power center to its appropriate place, that pain can dissipate. 
  • Release blocks that prevent opening your base and second chakra in order to ground yourself.
  • Fragments belonging to others that are lodged in the base and second chakras create blocks to open those chakras. Return those fragments to their right and perfect places. 
  • Return responsibility for supporting others to them where they can receive it.
  • Regrets now come from original moments of regret in the past where the spiritual lesson has not been activated. 
  • Go back to every single unhealed moment and activate the spiritual lessons.
  • Return responsibility and blocks to humanity for their empowerment.
  •  Retrieve your support off of humanity and back to you in alignment with your essence.

This session is supportive, and empowering, and has 15 layers, which means you can listen 15 times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of yourself will receive a different layer, shift, and healing.

Allow for integration in dream time.

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