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217. Anchor and Amplify the Light TALL Cup [11/06/2023]

This session covers..

TALL Cups Bullets

November 6, 2023


  • Energetic expansion of our electrical receptors has caused overwhelm and fatigue. Open the magnetic receptors in your roots to maintain vitality and equilibrium.
  • Hold your energy and awareness in harmonic dimensions.
  • Weave new support grids for yourself including these new magnetic receptors.
  • Vertically align the heart chakra, second chakra and the solar plexus chakra for new power levels.
  • Explore energetic calibrations that allow you to do work in other dimensions without being physically depleted.
  • Make a physical request to amplify your work in the higher dimensions. Do this 20 seconds per day.
  • As the light on the planet is amplified there is a fear reaction in mass consciousness. Model how you receive the light expansion.
  • Invite all beings of love and light to surrender to the harmonic vibrations in their cores.
  • I am surrendering to the vibration of _____ that is flowing in my divine cosmic loop.
  • We are moving into a magnificent light stream that will last for thousands of years. We need to focus on where we are going, and release where we have come from.
  • I am a beam of light. I am a harmonic being of light. Pull yourself into your divine line. Bring your identity back to your divine line/divine cosmic loop.
  • Play with the idea that when you have feelings of hopelessness, you can tune into the awareness that there is no future, only right now. Ask: how do I want to hold myself right now? Then activate that vibration in your divine cosmic loop through your intention.

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 15 to 17 layers, which means you can listen 15 to 17 times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

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Comments & Discussion

I’ve listen to this tall cups about three times this week. It’s amazing, so rich in explanations and great protocols. I had more of a sense of the other realms a sense that I’ve never had before. Or at least I don’t remember having before.
November 12th 2023
Thank you Aleya. My complex questions are always answered with great simplicity. Beryl
November 9th 2023
Empowering, feel-good session thank you Aleya !
November 7th 2023
Thank you Aleya. Very powerful for me, and much needed. Helped uncover and weed out feelings of fear.
November 7th 2023