Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

220. Bright Little Bowl of Light TALL Cup [01/08/2024]

220. Bright Little Bowl of Light TALL Cup


This session covers...

  • Clearing energy you picked up in the womb, but belonged to your grandmother or great-grandmother.
  • Create a clean clear space for the formation of your body in the womb without ancestral patterning.
  • Spin your unique vibrational fabric.
  • Calibrate your fabric to protect you from EMFs, disconnection, etc.
  • Align with your essence and mastery.
  • Connect with Gaia Earth and Galactic frequencies coming to earth. Calibrate that digestive pulse. Earth/Galactic timing flow. Incredibly supportive.
  • Space out into the beauty of the sensual delights and beauty of nature. This will bring you into right timing.
  • Harmonize the energies that pass back between your body and soul rider,
  • Harmonize our energy between our divine lines.
  • What kind of rider do you want to be? Gracious, compassionate.
  • Parents have unrealized dreams. Children may take this bundle from the parent. Identify any parental bundles. Turn those bundles back to them at the level of their higher selves and send appropriate energetic information.

This session is supportive, and empowering, and has 17 layers, which means you can listen 17 times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

Allow for integration in dream time.

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Comments & Discussion

Both the slowing down part and the life force retrieval felt really great thank you! And I loved the enlightened 2 year old ;)
January 11th 2024